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Australia and New Zealand Nápravníková 4.B. Geography Australia is both the world’s largest island and the smallest continent Located south of Asia between.

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Presentation on theme: "Australia and New Zealand Nápravníková 4.B. Geography Australia is both the world’s largest island and the smallest continent Located south of Asia between."— Presentation transcript:

1 Australia and New Zealand Nápravníková 4.B

2 Geography Australia is both the world’s largest island and the smallest continent Located south of Asia between the Indian and Pacific oceans Is made up of six states and two territories Population – 20 million people The main and official language is English Capital city – Canberra Other cities – Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Darwin

3 Administrative arrangement 6 federal states South Australia – – Adelaide New North Wales – Sydney Queensland – Brisbane Tasmania – Hobart Victoria - Melbourne West Australia – Perth 2 terrritories Northern Territory – Darwin Australian Capital Territory – Canberra

4 Geography Australia borders with New Zealand in the east and Solomons Island in the north Rivers – Darling Lachlan Murray Lakes – Eyreov’ s lake, Torren’ s lake

5 Fauna and flora Moustly desert and half- deserts Typical vegetation is grass and eucalyptus trees, acacia There are animal species like kangaroo, the koala bear, the Tasmanian devil or platypus Deserts - Desert of Simpsons, Big Victoria desert, Gibson‘s desert

6 Government Federal state The head of state is the queen of the United Kingdom, Queen Elisaberth II. Her representative Governor General The parliament has its seat in the capital city Canberra. The parliament has two houses the Senate and the House of Representatives New Parliament House in Canberra

7 History Aboriginal culture was mostly hunter-gatherer and about 250 languages were spoken in Australia at the time. 1700 – first Europeans to discover 1770 – James Cook claimed Australia for Britain Was originally a prison colony 1901 - Australia became an independent nation 1927 – Canberra was declared the federal capital

8 Attractions landform - Uluru, Ayer Rock The Great Barrier Reef Mountain – Mount Kosciuszko (2 228 metres) Murray river is Australia’s longest river

9 Famous Australians Patric White – the first Australian to win the Nobel prize for literature Kylie Minogue is a world famous singer Nicole Kidman, Russel Crowe and Mel Gibson are prominent Australian actors

10 New Zealand Is an island found in the South Pacific. The country lies 2000 km east of Australia. NZ is made up of two main islands and several small islands The North Island has a sub-tropical climate. The South Island is larger than the North. Mountain – Moutn Cook (Aoraki) is 3 754metres high

11 Geography Capital city – Wellington Population – 4 million people Official languages are English and Maori Other cities - Auckland Christchurch Dunedin Greymouth, Hamilton Islands – Cook’s islands, Tokelau, Niue

12 Government Part of the British Commonwealth Constitutional monarchy (Queen Elisabeth II.) representative is Governor General The head of government is the Prime Minister Parliament is single-chambered

13 History 1300 – Maori first settled New Zealand Abel Tasman was the first European to reach the island 1750 – James Cook visited the island 1893 – became the first country in the world to give women the vote 1907 – NZ gained a dominion status New Zealand participated in both World Wars

14 Fauna and flora New Zealand has many species that are unigue to the islands There are swamps Forests (laurel, evergreen forests) Palms, ferns Animals – bats, insects, parrot, kiwi (well-known bird), kakapo

15 Attractions Peter Jackson is a famous director who made The Lord of Rings trilogy When we turn to the outline, we get the other „shoe“ to pair the Apennine peninsula The island has not snakes Name of one hill is Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateatur ipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakita natahu (Book of Records!) Actors – Sam Neil, Lucy Lawless

16 Eating in Australia and New Zealand Very popular are beef and lamb, seafood (mussels, prawns, small shark) In cold days hot meat pie with tomato sauce are popular On a hot summer evening, people like grilled sausages, steak, octopus with bread and salad During the whole year people like to have barbeques or barbies Both countries have a sweet tooth – they like desserts and cake

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