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Daniel K. John N. Professor Cherry Nov 28 th Hpe 12 Kingsborogh Community College Psychological Health and Stress Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Daniel K. John N. Professor Cherry Nov 28 th Hpe 12 Kingsborogh Community College Psychological Health and Stress Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daniel K. John N. Professor Cherry Nov 28 th Hpe 12 Kingsborogh Community College Psychological Health and Stress Management

2 Psycholgical Health Psychological Health has 3 compnents : Emotional health which refers to feelings and moods Mental health which describes our ability to perceive reality as it is Spirtual health which is our ability to identify with our purpose in life

3 What Leads to stress: Stress : is non specfic response of the body to any demand made upon it Distress: negative effects that can deplete or even destroy life energy Homeostasis : is our bodies constantly strive to maintain a stable and consistent psychological state

4 Stress can be handled in a few ways: Deep Breathing: Relaxes the body and mind Refocusing : Force your mind on other objects Progressive Relaxation : Is the phyical and mental state oppisite that of stress Rehabilation from stress

5 G r a p h On Stress

6 How Nate dealt with stress using drugs : Nate would relive stress by smoking marjuana Nate took acid o get away from his problems with the women he is with

7 Major Depression Feeling Depressed Loss of interest Eating more or less Having trouble sleeping Feeling slowed down Lack of energy Feeling helpless Difficulty concentrating Diffculty thinking clearly Persistent thoughts of death

8 G r a p h on depression

9 Anxieties Anxiety disorders : May involve inordinate fears of certain situations or subjects such as: Phobias Panic attacks General anxiety disorder Obsessive compulsive disorder

10 How they both were affected by Nates sexuality Nate : Trains on women Chronic stress Stressful event sequences Girls: Got trained Distant stress Depression Chronic stress

11 Bibliography Graph Graph : Invitation to health Kingsbourgh communtiy college 4 th edition

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