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IB English Language B Reading 15 /9/2014. Ethics.

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Presentation on theme: "IB English Language B Reading 15 /9/2014. Ethics."— Presentation transcript:

1 IB English Language B Reading 15 /9/2014

2 Ethics

3 Key Vocabulary Green targets Slavery Damning new report To sign up Driving slave labour Policy was designed Ethical sources Compulsory To ensure Immoral position

4 Slavery

5 Slave Labour

6 Green Targets

7 Ethics

8 a.They are sensationalist rather than balanced in voicing their argument. They use words such as ‘damning’, ‘in danger of driving slavery’ and ‘back-firing’ to strengthen their opposition to biofuels. b.‘in danger of driving slavery, world hunger and climate change’, and ‘Biofuels could drive deforestation’. c.An independent study by Nuffield Council was released stating that biofuels are affecting food production.

9 Ethics d. The EU policy that the UK has signed up to in order to increase the amount of biofuel is not working. e. For consumers: food prices are going up For agricultural workers: increasing slave labour and human rights abuses f. To fight climate change and also it has signed up to a EU policy to increase its use of Biofuels to 10%.

10 Ethics g. Biofuels are failing to bring down greenhouse gases, because production is so energy intensive. h. Biofuels that are certified when imported, produced in a sustainable way or come from waste products e.g. straw. i. Every biofuel should be tagged and can be easily traced to where it has been produced.

11 Ethics j. If biofuels are not produced in an sustainable way. k. Waste products such as straw, ‘energy grass’, willow l. To develop ‘second generation biofuels’ such as algae grown in tanks in deserts as they do not take away land for food.

12 Reread the texts on pages 328 and 331. Complete the following table: Ethics

13 Presentation

14 Study the photographs and choose one to present to your classmates. Your presentation should not exceed 4 minutes First of all – identify the topic and sub-topic. Make ten points on what is most difficult to remember. Remember to include your opinion and be ready to defend it. Be spontaneous – Don’t memorise your points. Check the Individual Oral criteria (20 points). What advice would you give.

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