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Mesen Holes, Spaces & Hiding Places Summer Term 2015 Miss Copp

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1 Mesen Holes, Spaces & Hiding Places Summer Term 2015 Miss Copp
Numeracy Explore a range of different size boxes. Take a walk through the school grounds to find holes of different shapes and sizes. Use directional language such as next to, in front of, straight ahead, turn, left, right, behind, forwards and backwards. Create their own 3D spaces using a range of resources such as sheets, clothes props, boxes, tarpaulins, pipes, cones and other outdoor equipment Use non-standard measures to measure a range of spaces on a big and small scale Take part in spatial challenges Give directions to each other to navigate around space Make a collection of teddy bears with numbers 1 to 10 on labels around their necks Other Activities Visit Dan Yr Ogaf. Adventurous play in the cave. Weekly wellie walks. Visit local building. House survey of the village. During the project pupils will learn about: Indoor and outdoor spaces with confidence • Different types of space including holes, gaps, shelters and tunnels • Ways in which they can explore spaces using their bodies • Following instructions and directions • Constructing spaces using a range of creative and modelling materials • Moving about safely and be aware of the needs of others • Using art and design skills to express their ideas creatively • Recording their ideas, feelings and experiences through drawing, mark making and emergent writing • Using a digital camera to take photographs of things that interest them • The Welsh language using words and phrases across a range of experiences in the indoor and outdoor environment. PSE SEAL – P4C activities Value activities and stories. Follow and respond to instructions, questions and directions. Become independent and confident explorers when finding their way around the school environment, both indoor and outdoor. Discuss areas of the school that could be improved and represent their ideas through mark making, drawing, talking or role play. Develop a positive self image and sense of belonging. Have an understanding of their own Welsh identity. Language, Literacy and Communication. Oracy – Ask questions to provoke descriptive responses Talk about animals that live in holes, tunnels and caves Describe their favourite space or place either at home or at school Experiment with their voices Use their imagination to make up stories about the inhabitants of the cave Reading - Read books in tunnels, dens and shelters Listen to and talk about stories and poems on the theme of spaces and hiding places. Listen to stories, poems and action rhymes about animals that live under the ground. Read signs and labels used around school and those seen in the local community Writing – Make mini books about animals that live underground. Make lists of words to describe how it feels to be in a tunnel, a cave, a den or a shelter. Keep a diary to record the growth and activity of planted seeds, bulbs or class worms Write instructions for digging a hole or planting a seed or bulb, or creating a wormery Write their own imaginary stories about falling down a deep hole or being in a cave We were wondering…. What animals live underground? How dark is a cave? What makes a strong den? What lives in caves? What goes through tunnels? What are tunnels made of? How many children can we fit in a tunnel? How many things can we fit in different size boxes?

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