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Healey Nursery Learning to play, playing to learn We play indoors and outdoors every day.

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Presentation on theme: "Healey Nursery Learning to play, playing to learn We play indoors and outdoors every day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healey Nursery Learning to play, playing to learn We play indoors and outdoors every day

2 Healey Nursery Staff Mrs Elaine Milligan and Mrs Gosia Ingleby - Teachers/ Early Years Leaders. Mrs Karen Smith- Nursery Nurse Miss Jodie Longstaff- Teaching Assistant Mrs Rabia Malik – Nursery Nurse/ Bilingual Support Worker

3 Key Workers All members of nursery staff look after all the children. The teachers however hold an overall responsibility for everyone. Key worker is a person who spends a lot of time interacting, teaching in a group, playing and assessing your child. They may be this special person who gives your child emotional support and extra care while they are at nursery. So if you have any queries about your child, please speak either to their key worker or to the class teacher.

4 Healey Nursery Morning Nursery 8.40 am- 11.40 am Afternoon Nursery 12.30 noon- 3.30 pm

5 Healey Nursery As from September 2012 there are seven areas of learning in the Early Years: Three prime areas of learning: 1. Personal, Social & Emotional Development 2. Physical Development 3. Communication and Language and four specific areas of learning: 1. Mathematics 2. Literacy 3. Expressive Arts and Design 4. Understanding the World

6 Healey Nursery Personal, Social & Emotional Development This area of learning is about emotional well-being, knowing who you are and where you fit in. It is about feeling good about yourself, and about respecting others.  making friends  sharing toys and space  playing together  taking turns  becoming independent and confident  caring for own hygiene

7 Healey Nursery Communication and Language This area of learning is about speaking about what is happening, talking to each other and listening. P listening to each other P talking about what they have done P asking and answering questions

8 Healey Nursery Physical Development Physical development in the Foundation Stage is about improving coordination, manipulation and movement. It also helps children gain awareness of importance of being healthy and active. P using space safely when running, hopping, jumping, crawling etc. P threading games and construction kits P manipulating playdough & holding pens properly P experimenting with balls, beanbags & hoops

9 Healey Nursery Mathematics Mathematical development includes counting, sorting, matching and recognising patterns. It involves working with numbers, shapes, space and measures. P counting rhymes and songs P counting toys P recognising shapes P comparing sizes

10 Healey Nursery Understanding the World This is where children develop knowledge and skills that helps them to make sense of the world. It contains elements of science, design & technology, history, geography and ICT. P using computers, bee-bots and ICT P using magnifying glasses, microscopes and gardening tools P listening to and speaking to visitors

11 Healey Nursery Literacy Literacy is about listening to sounds and stories. It is about reading books, chanting rhymes and about learning to write. P learning & making up stories & rhymes P talking about what they have done P starting to learn to write

12 Healey Nursery Expressive Arts and Design This area of learning includes art, music, dance, role play and imaginative play. Being creative enables children to explore the world freely, to make connections between all areas of learning and to have fun! P role playing and pretending P painting, sticking, drawing, tearing, playing with dough and gloop P singing, dancing and playing instruments P junk modelling and making things

13 Healey Nursery Characteristics of Effective Learning Mr Happy & Miss Cheerful Playing and Exploring I am curious about objects, events and people I engage in open ended activities I show particular interests I engage in role play I take part in make believe and pretend I initiate activities I seek challenges I learn by trial and error Mr and Mrs Busy Active Learning I find some things fascinating I can focus on an activity for a period of time I am not easily distracted I keep on trying when something is challenging I am proud of how I do things If something is difficult I try different approaches I enjoy meeting challenges Mr Clever and Little Miss Brainy Creating & Thinking Critically I think of ideas I find ways to solve problems I think of new ways to do things I make predictions I check how well my activities are going Planning and making decisions about how to approach my play Use the language of thinking and learning: think, know, remember, idea, plan, learn, make sense, trying to do, or figuring out

14 How you can help. Homework ‘Family Funwork’ book is homework set for nursery children and their parents. This is to inform you what we are learning every week at nursery and how you can support your child’s learning. So please try to do it weekly. Children love learning together. Allow your child to do their part of the homework independently, at their own level. Do not worry if it looks like a scribble, as long as they are trying their best. Share with us what you do at home. Tell us about your child successes, about your trips or family gatherings. Share please! Friday- Library Every Friday we run our nursery library. Please remember to bring your book to exchange each week, at the beginning of a Friday session. Read with your child every day. Reading sets children for future success.

15 Themes Being Me. Nursery Rhymes. Light and Dark. Christmas. Once upon a time / Traditional Stories. Our Community/ People Who Help Us. Living and Growing (Plants/ Animals). Minibeasts.

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