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Plot. Plot – or Narrative Structure – refers to the order in which events or information are presented. A common way of doing this is to start at the.

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Presentation on theme: "Plot. Plot – or Narrative Structure – refers to the order in which events or information are presented. A common way of doing this is to start at the."— Presentation transcript:

1 plot

2 Plot – or Narrative Structure – refers to the order in which events or information are presented. A common way of doing this is to start at the beginning and proceed in the order of occurrence. You may have seen or viewed texts where the end is shown at the beginning. However…

3 The Plot of any narrative includes…. exposition rising action/complication the crisis/turning point the climax the falling action/‘denoument’ the resolution

4 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS TENSIONTENSION Exposition Rising Action Crisis – Turning Point CLIMAX Falling Action Resolution TYPICAL plot structure….which may not always be followed!

5 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS TENSIONTENSION Exposition The exposition of a narrative consists of the first few pages &/or chapters of the story. It is the part of the story in which we learn who the main characters are, where and when the story is set, and the basic ‘ingredients’ of the story line to follow. In this part of the story we are alerted to the likely conflicts to follow.

6 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS TENSIONTENSION Rising Action The Rising Action is the part of the story in which complications develop. Conflicts occur and tension &/or suspense is created as a consequence of these conflicts. This part of the story either includes or follows the exposition.

7 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS TENSIONTENSION Crisis – Turning Point The crisis is the point of the story at which the main character either gains control of the events in the story, or loses control of events. It is often the same point in the plot as the climax of the story, but not always.

8 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS TENSIONTENSION CLIMAX The climax is the high point of the suspense, or tension, in a story. It is the point which the conflict/tension builds. After this point the conflict is resolved in some way, usually with the success or failure of the protagonist/main character.

9 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS TENSIONTENSION Falling Action The falling action – or denoument – is the part of the story at which all the ‘loose ends’ are tidied up; when the questions raised by the storyline are resolved/answered. It includes the events in the story which lead to the ending.

10 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS TENSIONTENSION Resolution The resolution is the ending of the story. It resolves the tensions created by the preceding events, and usually answers any question the reader may still have in his/her mind. Occasionally, however, authors choose not to answer questions raised by the storyline, in order to create a particular effect on the reader.

11 Because the theme of a short story is suggested rather than stated, it is through understanding narrative conventions that we can begin to understand the themes within the text. The theme of a short story is: The story’s central idea The author’s statement about the human experience The key point of the story A view or insight into life.

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