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Presentation on theme: "Jump Start ! 9TH GRADE STUDENTS AND TEACHERS"— Presentation transcript:


2 Objective: For ALL participants to gain understanding of what Jump Start is and how it will AFFECT 9th grade students as they PLAN FOR THE REMAINDER OF HIGH SCHOOL AND BEYOND.

3 University (TOPS) Curriculum *
During 2nd semester of 10th grade, students and parents will decide whether to choose the University (TOPS) Pathway or the JUMPSTART (TOPS TECH) PATHWAY UNITS COURSES ENGLISH – 4 English 1, English 2, English 3, and English 4 Math – 4 Must be Algebra I or Algebra I, part 1 & 2. Other 3 from Geometry, Algebra 2, Advanced Math, Calculus SCIENCE - 4 Must be Biology & Chemistry. Other 3 from Environmental, Biol. 2, Chem. 2, Physics, or Ag. 2. Social Studies – 4 Must be American History & Civics. Other 2 from World Geography, World History, or Western Civilization. Foreign Language – 2 units 2 units of the SAME language. At PHS, Spanish 1 &2, French 1 & 2 Health, and P. E. 1 & ½ units of P. E., and ½ unit of Health or JROTC 1 & 2 Art – 1* Fine Arts Survey or Art 1, Chorus, Band, or Theater * Some universities want Fine Arts or 2 units of Art, Chorus, Band, or Theater. (LSU)

4 New Career/JUMPSTART Diploma
Units: Courses: English -4 Units English 1, English II, (2 more from-English III, English IV, Business English, Technical Writing) Math-4 Units Algebra I or Algebra I part I and Algebra I part 2, (3 more from-Geometry, Math Essentials, Financial Math, etc) Science-2 Units Biology, (1 more from Chemistry, Earth Science, Environmental Science, AG I plus AG 2=1 unit Social Studies – 2 Units U.S. History, Civics P.E. – 1.5 P.E. 1 & P.E. II (.5) Health – .5 Health 9 units Jump Start Pathway* A credential or credentials must be earned.

5 The University Diploma may not be for you if . . .
your cumulative GPA for 3 semesters (from 9th grade year, and semester 1 of 10th grade) is not at least a 2.00 (C average) Why? if your GPA isn’t a 2.00 then or now, will it increase as classes get more challenging? 4 year universities’ admission require a ≥ 2.00 cumulative GPA. 3. your EXPLORE or PLAN English sub scores are indicating you are Not ready for a 4-Yr university right out of high school. 4 you prefer to work with your hands, be outside, work with equipment, etc. more than working and studying in a classroom setting?

6 Jumpstart Career Plan may be for you if . . .
a good Career Interest Survey indicates you would be better matched to careers which require less than a 4 year degree. you want to make as much money or more with a Technical or 2 year college degree than some people make who earn degrees requiring 4 to 6 years after high school. you want to fill a growing need for high demand, high wage jobs that require technical skills, not just “book knowledge.” it’s in your best interest to attend a Louisiana Community Technical College.

7 What Can You Do With a JUMPSTART Diploma?
1. Go straight to work or the military. 2. Attend one of our Louisiana Community/Technical Colleges (LCTC) then go to work at a position that requires a degree/certification from a LCTC. 3. Earn a Louisiana Transfer Degree from a LCTC and transfer to a 4-YR University, and you can still earn a 4-YR degree or even a more advanced degree.* *Many successful professionals started their education at Community Colleges & went on to earn Master’s degrees, Doctoral degrees, became lawyers, doctors pharmacists, professors, etc. This may be the correct path for you.

8 Foreign Language – 2 units
Univerisity Diploma Course progression JUMPSTART PATHWAY ENGLISH – 4 Eng, 1, 2, 3, 4, English – 4 Eng. 1, 2, & 2 more from Eng. 3, 4, Bus. Eng., Technical Writing Math – 4 Alg. 1, Geom., Alg. 2, Adv. Math Alg. 1, 3 more from Geometry, Math Essentials, Financial Math, etc. SCIENCE - 4 Environ. Sci, Biology, Chem 1, Advanced Science Science – 2 Biology, & 1 more from Env. Sci.,Earth Sci. Chem 1, Ag. 2, Social Studies – 4 Am. Hist, Civics, World Geog., World History Social Studies – 2 American History & Civics Foreign Language – 2 units French 1 & 2 or Spanish 1 & 2 F. L. none* Replaced by a career pathway Health, and P. E. Health & ½ PE Same Comprised of 9 units, Art – 1* Fine Arts or sub* Art – none* Must earn a credential Let’s compare the two again. Courses in red are courses that students don’t have to take to earn their JUMPSTART DIPLOMA .

9 TPSS Pathways: PHS Path-ways are in bold face.
Credentials possible Agriculture Tech NCCER OR ASE CERTIFICATE Business Management Customer Service Carpenter* NCCER Carpenter Certified Nursing Assistant CNA certificate (working on this; not yet available) Commercial Driver* Chauffer’s D license + NCCER Core, Microsoft Office Skills, First Aid Electrician NCCER Electrical Emergency Medical Tech EMT certificate Fashion Design Pre Professional Competency assessment & Certification in Fashion, Textiles, and Apparel Hospitality, Tourism, Culinary & Retail* Customer Service or ServSafe + Microsoft Office Skills, CPR, etc. Internet Web Foundations CIW (working; not yet available) PHS Path-ways are in bold face.

10 TPSS/PHS Pathways Manufacturing Construction Crafts & Logistics
NCCER Instrumentation ProStart Restaurant ServSafe & ProStart Public Service FEMA – National Incident Management System + CPR, Microsoft Office Skills Welder’s Helper* Partial NCCER completions + NCCER Core, CPR Web Design Professional CIW Web foundations associate (working; not yet available) Welder* NCCER Welding

11 Agriculture Tech Pathway
We know these pages aren’t clear, but they will be posted on our counseling web page soon, and we’ll have copies of them when scheduling you.

12 Business Management Pathway
These are the proposed pathways. Some changes may be forthcoming. All pathways cannot be guaranteed yet.

13 Carpenter Pathway

14 Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Working; not available yet

15 Fashion Design Pathway

16 Hospitality, Tourism, Culinary, and Retail Pathway

17 Internet Web Foundations Pathway
Working; not available yet

18 Manufacturing, Construction Crafts & Logistics Integrated Pathway


20 Public Service Pathway
JROTC classes fit here.

21 Welder’s Pathway

22 Welder’s Helper Pathway

23 Pathway example:

24 Pathway example:

25 Remember . . . Your individual Graduation Plan (IGP) is very important. It helps you plan your schedules and know that everything you need will fit. At the end of the 10th grade year students and parents will choose the Jump Start Pathway or TOPS University diploma. 9 Carnegie Units in pathway required (cannot double dip with core credits) + a credential is required + EOC passing scores per state requirements. Use Journey to Careers or new career interest surveys to Help pick your pathways.

26 IGP:

27 Read through Descriptions of classes BEFORE asking for them
Helpful Links on Counselor Page for Scheduling 9th graders for 10th grade Read through Descriptions of classes BEFORE asking for them

28 Forms may be found: And IGP
-- PHS web site on L side -- Scheduling Info -- Scheduling forms And IGP English I teachers will hand out forms about 1 week before we meet.

29 This is what the pages/links look like

30 www.mynextmove.org -- Directions for using this can be found here
Helpful Links for Career Interest Surveys / Career Planning Holland’s Self Directed Search: -- Directions for using this can be found here

31 PHS web page – Faculty & Staff – Orlisa DePhillips–
This is a good resource for an excellent Career Interest Survey . Use it to do the Survey on Talk about Job Zones

32 More Helpful Resources on Counselors’ Page
Mrs. Latour’s PPT on Career Explorations is excellent. . . Check it out!

33 Holland’s Self-Directed-Search http://www.self-directed-search.com/
Realistic – Enjoys machines, tools, the outdoors Investigative – Interested in science, theories, ideas Artistic – Enjoys self-expression Social – Interested in interaction, teamwork, human welfare Enterprising – Enjoys business, politics, leadership, having influence Conventional – Interested in data, finance, organization From Mrs. Latour’s PPT

34 How do you find a job you will love?
Self-Assessment What you like to do (interests) What you have a natural talent for (aptitudes) What you are good at (abilities) What is important to you (values) Investigate Your Career Choices Research and read Talk to people Informational interviews Job shadow Internships Volunteer Network Professional organizations Find a Career Match From Mrs. Latour’s PPT


36 Who is my Counselor? If your last name begins with:
A-D Ms. Denise Latour E-K Ms. Orlisa DePhillips L – Q Ms. Katharine Meadors R – Z Ms. Tommie Robertson Use your tangistudents Ex: (8 letters for last name) pw: ms1234 (last 4 of student ID #)

37 When are 9th graders going to be scheduled?
Ms. Popp 1,3,4,5, Tuesday, April 14 Ms. Sticker 1,2,3,5, Thursday, April 16 Ms. Bell 1,2,4,5, Tuesday, April 21 Ms. Bailey 1,4,7 Mr. Burmaster Ms. Hintz Thursday, April 23

38 We hope this has been helpful.
This PowerPoint will be posted on our Counselors’ web page under PowerPoint Presentations. And finally . . .

39 “Right now, no matter where you are, you are a single choice away from a new beginning.”
OPRAH WINFREY From Mrs. Latour’s PPT

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