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AP US History Unit 6: Civil War and Reconstruction.

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1 AP US History Unit 6: Civil War and Reconstruction

2  April 12, 1861  South Carolina  Lincoln sends supplies to the arsenal with US Navy.  South Carolina sees this as a threat and bombards fort for 34 hours.  South takes the fort.  Lincoln responds by calling for 75,000 troops.  The Civil War begins….

3  July 21, 1861  Manassas, Va.  Union: McDowell  Confederacy: Beauregard/Jackson  The arrival of Confederate reinforcements helps the South cause a Union retreat.  Southern victory sends a message to the North that this will not be a short and easy war.

4  March 9, 1862  Hampton Roads, Va.  Union: “Monitor”  Confederacy: “Merimack” or “Virginia”.  Fights to a draw.  This ended the threat of the Confederacy breaking the Union blockade of southern ports.

5  Spring, 1862/ June 26-July 2, 1862  James and York Rivers en route to Richmond.  Union: McClellan  Confederacy: Jackson/Lee  McClellan slow to move. Overcautious without reinforcements (they were never received) He never invaded Richmond.  The Seven Days battle was Lee’s counter attack which pushed the Union back for a victory for the South.  Richmond was successfully defended.

6  August 29-30, 1862  Manassas, Va.  Union: John Pope  Confederates: Lee  Southern victory provides Lee with confidence to move on Border State Maryland.  Lee and Confederates abandon original battle plan.  What were they hoping for?

7  September 17, 1862  Antietam Creek, Md.  Union: McClellan  Confederates: Lee  Union finds Lee’s battle plans and stop the Confederate’s advancement.  The wars turning point.  The bloodiest single day battle of the war.  Union “victory” gives Lincoln the needed momentum to deliver the Emancipation Proclamation.  This changes the character of the war to more of a moral crusade.

8  July 1-3, 1863  Gettysburg, Pa.  Union: George Meade  Confederates: Lee/Pickett  92,000 Union vs. 76,000 Confederate  Union victory during “Pickett’s Charge”  This was the last chance for a Southern victory.  This was the northernmost advancement for the Confederacy in all of the war.  Broke the back and will of the Confederates.  Lincoln delivers Gettysburg address.

9  July 4, 1863  Vicksburg, Ms.  Union: Grant  Confederates: John Pemberton  Grant and Union lay siege to the city of Vicksburg  The Union victory gives them control over the Mississippi River.

10  September, 1864  Atlanta and Savanna, Georgia  Union: William Tecumseh Sherman  “Total War”  Destruction of Georgia’s economy  Burning of cities, homes, crops, cattle, and derailing of RR.  Weakened morale of Confederate soldiers

11  May-June 1864  Northern Virginia  Grant’s offensive maneuvering against Lee to get closer to Richmond.  Both sides suffered heavy losses.  Although the Union lost more men, the Confederates couldn’t replenish and were surrounded at Richmond.  Leads to the siege and take over of Richmond.

12  April, 1865  Appomattox, Va.  Union: Grant  Confederates: Lee  Lee surrenders to Grant ending the Civil War.  “There is nothing left for me to do, but to go and see General Grant and I would rather die a thousand deaths.”




16  Robert E. Lee  Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson

17  George Pickett  Pierre Gustave Toutant de Beauregard

18  Ulysses S Grant  George McClellan

19  William Sherman  George Meade

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