Love Utube Blocked at school? Psst…here’s a way around that issue. How to download and convert videos to place in PowerPoint.

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1 Love Utube Blocked at school? Psst…here’s a way around that issue. How to download and convert videos to place in PowerPoint

2 Some Basics All files have different formats (those.XXX at the end of a file.) They are all different and mean different things and some won’t play on other computer media players.

3 Basics Utube videos are usually.flv (flash player or shockwave player) PCs use.wmv (windows media video) (quick time format).avi is little more modern and used by many platforms.mpeg4 is for ipod/phones And there are many more…look on wikipedia

4 There are many ways to get Utube With a little formatting you can directly insert the Utube video into your PowerPoint. Or…. I’ll show you how to download Utube videos, convert them to another format, and then insert them as a more standard format into PowerPoint.

5 The problem… PowerPoint prefers to use.wmv videos and Utube videos are.flv format. What do you need to do? –Download video (usually in.flv format) –Convert video to acceptable format

6 There are many ways… There are many ways to download and convert…and they are free!

7 My Method STEP 1 It is a lot easier if you are using Firefox rather than Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mac Safari. Go to Firefox free download to get it. Download and install. P.S. Firefox is just a whole lot better on lots of fronts and that is the internet platform you should be using….

8 My Method STEP 2 Now, you need a video downloader…. I use one from Firefox. Let me show you their add-ons. P.S. There are lots of really handy firefox addons like color tabs, translate, etc.

9 My Method STEP 2 Firefox Video Downloader downloader Some folks use KeepVid But this is web based.

10 My Method STEP 3 Find a video and download it. Video downloader has a little icon you click and it downloads to your computer Keep Vid has you copy and paste the video URL to it’s Web site, then it converts and downloads for you.

11 My Method STEP 4 O.K. now you have it but you can’t play it. That is because Windows Media Player and PowerPoint won’t play.flv videos (or at least not easily…) There are 2 things you can do. 1.Install a multi-codex video player like VLC 2.Convert the video to a PowerPoint codex or.wmv.

12 My Method STEP 4 The ultimate media player that works on PCs and Macs is VLC VLC is the best! It plays anything -.wmv,.mov,.avi, and more. It is like Windows Media Player but better! Download here

13 My Method STEP 4 Or you can convert. Sometimes this proves to be better. Convert videos to.wmv or.avi or.mpeg4 and then drop it in anything (like PowerPoint.) Again, there are lots of ways to do this. Two popular options are: 1.Zamzar or Vixy -which are web applications 2.A media converter downloaded to your computer. Like

14 My Method STEP 4 Zamzar is a web based application that converts files for free. You upload it, choose what form you want it converted to, then they email you when it is ready (usually 24 hours if not shorter), and then you simply download the converted form to your hard drive.

15 My Method STEP 4 Or instead of Zamzar try Vixy Vixy. Net is a web based application that converts files for free. You upload it, choose what form you want it converted to, then they email you when it is ready (usually 24 hours if not shorter), and then you simply download the converted form to your hard drive.

16 My Method STEP 4 I just convert. You need a converter.

17 Ta Da! You should be able to pop these videos right into your PowerPoint

18 There are many ways… Here is anther set of directions…. Your-PowerPoint-Presentations

19 How to directly place Utube videos into PowerPoint Here is a Utube video showing you how to do it. AXMtero AXMtero PS - you might search Utube for clearer instructions

20 And that’s not all The same issues apply to music except it is AAC - itunes controlled songs. Can’t just insert those… Mpeg3 - those audio files play on just about anything. You might have to convert your songs too…

21 Music conversion Itunes songs which are.AAC can sometime be converted to mp3 by: Highlighting the song Choose Advance in the toolbar Choose convert to mp3

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