The United Nations. What is the United Nations? An International Organization Facilitates cooperation in: – International Law – International Security.

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Presentation on theme: "The United Nations. What is the United Nations? An International Organization Facilitates cooperation in: – International Law – International Security."— Presentation transcript:

1 The United Nations

2 What is the United Nations? An International Organization Facilitates cooperation in: – International Law – International Security – Economic Development – Social Progress – Human Rights – World Peace

3 Quick Facts: Founded October 24 th, 1945 Replaced League of Nations Currently has 193 Member States – Excluding the Vatican City

4 6 Organs of the UN The General Assembly The Security Council The Economic and Social Council The Secretariat The International Court of Justice The UN Trusteeship Council

5 The General Assembly Main deliberative body for the UN All nations participate Have one vote each Meets annually; all members address the assembly Approves Budgetary Matters Makes recommendations on matters within the scope of the UN (excluding matters for the UNSC)

6 General Assembly Committees 1st Committee: Disarmament and International Security (DISEC) 2nd Committee: Economic and Financial (ECOFIN) 3 rd Committee: Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian (SOCHUM) 4 th Committee: Special Political and Decolonization (SPECPOL) 5 th Committee: Administrative and Budgetary 6 th Committee: Legal Committee

7 The Security Council 15 Members – 5 Permanent (US, UK, France, Russia, China) – 10 Non-permanent Members (2 year terms) Veto Power Presidency of SC rotates each month Charged with maintaining peace and security Has power to make “binding decisions”

8 The UN Secretariat Headed by the Secretary-General Current Sec-Gen is _________? Provides studies, info, and facilities needed by UN bodies for meetings Completes tasks as directed by other UN bodies

9 Secretary-General Can set UNSC agenda “Chief Administrative Officer” Currently acts as a diplomat and mediator addressing disputes between states Appointed by the GA 5 year terms

10 Secretary-Generals Trygve Lie, Dag Hammarskjold, U Thant, Kurt Waldheim, Javier Perez de Cuellar, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Kofi Annan, and Ban Ki-Moon.

11 International Court of Justice Located in The Hague, Netherlands Primary Judicial Organ of UN Founded in 1945 Hears disputes among states NOT the ICC – tries people who commit war crimes – Independent of the UN

12 Economic and Social Council Promotes economic and social cooperation 54 members – 3 year terms – Elected by the GA Gathers info, advises member nations, makes recommendations Coordinates the overlapping functions of UN bodies

13 Some Notable Specialized Agencies of the UN IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency IMF: International Monetary Fund UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization WHO: World Health Organization WFP: World Food Program

14 Peacekeeping Security Military forces of the UN Only deployed after UNSC approval Used to Maintain Peace More than 60 operations since Cold War – 90,000 peacekeepers deployed Operations in Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Sierra Leone, Haiti, Mozambique, and more… Supposed to be “neutral”

15 Funding for the UN Members Pay Dues Top 10 donators to the UN budget, 2011 United States 22.000% Japan 12.530% Germany 8.018% United Kingdom 6.604% France6.123% Italy 4.999% Canada 3.207% China 3.189% Spain 3.177% Mexico2.356% Other member states 27.797%

16 The Role of the UN Today Promoting Peace and Security Forum for Dialogue Is it Effective?

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