Education Jobs Fund Program Welcome! The training will begin shortly. Please select thumbs up if you’ve used Idaho Live before If you are dialing in by.

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1 Education Jobs Fund Program Welcome! The training will begin shortly. Please select thumbs up if you’ve used Idaho Live before If you are dialing in by phone, please be sure it is on mute

2 IMPORTANT NOTE  This presentation is being recorded and will be made available for viewing.  This will not record private chat messages, but will record any audio or public chat messages.

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4 If you’re having trouble hearing or being heard, click on the telephone icon and a phone number will come up with a pin number. Please keep this window open so you can also see the presentation. Be sure to press “mute” on your phone when not speaking. Telephone audio option Can ’ t hear or be heard?

5 The palm is the “raised hand” in a classroom, this is how to obtain the presenter’s attention to ask a question, make a comment, etc… Asking Questions Use the hand raise button

6 Yes / No Indicators Check Mark indicates a positive or yes response X indicates a negative or no response. Use the raise hand button to answer a question that is not yes or no. Answering Questions

7 When using the talk button, state your name first. Hold down the talk button for 2 seconds when finished speaking. Communicating To Speak: Click and hold TALK button or Press and hold CTRL key on keyboard This is the area where you can text the presenter and/or the entire group. Public Chat Private Chat Pause/ Play Chat

8 Questions on Idaho Live? If you have questions now or later on, please push the “raise hand” button. If you are dialing in by phone, please be sure it is on mute.

9 Overview of Allowable Costs  Expenditures must have been made on or after August 10, 2010  Expenditures must be at the school level, not at the district level.  Cannot be used to pay for goods or outside vendors unless the vendor is another LEA.  For more details see Appendix A of the SDE guidance at:

10 When to Request Reimbursement  Only after the funds have been spent (not obligated) by the school  Example 1: 3 Days were restored and are to be paid in November, January, and March. Each piece can be requested after they are paid out in those months or all at once when the last is paid in March.  Example 2: A salary restoration of 1% is being paid as a one time lump sum in December. This can be requested in December once the sum has been paid out.  Example 3: Health benefits have been restored to school staff and are paid as part of each month’s payroll. These can be submitted each month once the payroll has run, in groups of months that have been paid, or one time at the end of the fiscal year.

11 Tracking Funds  Be sure to track and account for Ed Jobs Funds separately in your accounting system.  2M users will be hearing from Brian & Lynn about updates for Ed Jobs expenditure tracking and reporting.

12 Creating Reimbursement Requests for Ed Jobs in the GRA  Ed Jobs requests will use a CSV upload tool instead of data being directly entered into the GRA.  Benefits:  All fields are available on one spreadsheet eliminating the need to navigate back and forth between data entry pages  The spreadsheet can be filtered to show only the types of activities the user needs  If there are only minor changes between requests, a copy of the Excel file saved on your computer for the previous submission can be updated, and uploaded instead of starting from the beginning

13 Expense Categories 1.Salary Restoration – For situations where the employee’s salary is being restored and the remainder of their salary is paid with non-Ed Jobs funding. (Does not include restoration of furlough days.) Example: All school level employees received a 1% salary decrease. Ed jobs funding is used to restore that 1% while the rest of their salary is paid from the general fund.

14 Expense Categories (cont.) 2.Base Salaries – For situations where an employee’s base salary is paid with Ed Jobs funding. (Does not include restoration of furlough days.) Examples: 1.) A new employee is hired and paid using Ed Jobs monies. 2.) In addition to a 1% salary restoration, an existing employee is paid 50% using Ed Jobs monies, etc.

15 Expense Categories (cont.) 3.Restoration of Furlough Time Worked – For situations where furlough days are restored and those days will now have work conducted Example: Two furlough days where the school would have been closed are restored and work was conducted on those days

16 Expense Categories (cont.) 4.Restoration of Furlough Time NOT Worked – For situations where furlough days are restored, but those days will not be worked. Example: The pay for two furlough days is restored to the school employees’ salaries, but the school will remain closed those days and no work will be conducted.

17 Expense Categories (cont.) 5.Restoration of Personal Day – For situations where personal days were restored to school employees. Substitutes paid with Ed Jobs monies to cover these days should be reported under Base Salaries. Example: The number of personal days was originally cut from 3 to 2 and has now been restored with Ed Jobs money.

18 Expense Categories (cont.) 6.Performance Bonuses – Should only be used in situations where a merit based bonus is being paid to school employees. Blanket non-merit pay increases should be reported as Salary Restoration, or using one of the Furlough Time Restorations. Example: 5 teachers were awarded merit based bonuses.

19 Expense Categories (cont.)  Other non-salary based expense categories include: 7.Benefits (Health/FICA/PERSI) 8.Incentives for Early Retirement 9.Pension Fund Contributions 10.Tuition Reimbursement 11.Student Loan Repayment Assistance 12.Transportation Subsidies 13.Reimbursement for Childcare Expenses  If you are unsure which category a request belongs in, please contact the SDE staff so we may help determine the best category for coding the expense.

20 Data Collection Columns  As Base Salaries and Restoration of Furlough Time Worked involve the funding of job hours that otherwise would not have been worked, those hours must be reported in order to be used in calculating the Jobs Funded for federal 1512 reporting.  All other categories require only a count of those FTEs directly effected by that expense category. These numbers are for auditing purposes and future Ed Jobs reporting requirements, but are not included as part of the 1512 reporting for quarterly jobs funded.

21 Data Collection Columns (cont.)  In addition, based on the language in the federal guidance received so far, columns have been included to show the breakout between Retained, Re-Hire, and New Hire positions.  These columns are only active with expense categories where there was determined to be a material difference between these three types.

22 Application Demonstration

23 Reminders  Before uploading, be sure to save the file to your computer in Excel format for future reference.  When uploading, be sure to use a CSV format copy. (This copy does not need to be retained)  CCR registrations need to be re-activated each year. Be sure yours is active and that the information there and with your DUNS number is current. (Charter Schools operating under a district as their LEA should use that district’s DUNS and CCR CAGE numbers.)  Like all other grants, due to reporting requirements individual requests cannot cross fiscal years

24 Further Information  For Questions on the Education Jobs Fund Program contact:  Julie Oberle (208) 332-6840  Tim Hill (208) 332-6840  For GRA or Reporting Questions Contact:  Brandon Phillips (208) 332-6867

25 Further Information (cont.)  Ed Jobs Guiedance is available at:  Information on GRA requests and reporting can be found in the user manual in the GRA application.  This Webinar will be repeated 11/18, 11/19, and 12/3, and will also be made available as a recording at:

26 Questions?

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