RESEARCH FRAMEWORK Yulia Sofiatin Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics 2012 YS 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "RESEARCH FRAMEWORK Yulia Sofiatin Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics 2012 YS 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 RESEARCH FRAMEWORK Yulia Sofiatin Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics 2012 YS 2011

2 the correlation Basic science Reference Evidence Base Medicine Critical Appraisal Clinical science/practice/problem Basic computer skills Research Method Statistical Method RESEARCH QUESTION

3 Research Method Statistical Method RESEARCH QUESTION HYPOTHESIS Causal inferenc e Statistical test variable Basic computer skills Conclusion

4 Research Method Statistical Method RESEARCH DESIGN RESEARCH QUESTION HYPOTHESIS Causal inference Error Sampling and sample size Statistical test variable Basic computer skills Conclusion

5 Definition a scientific processes *that validates and refines existing knowledge and *generates new knowledge *that directly and indirectly influences medical (health) practice YS 2010

6 Philosophy Knowledge Science Abstract Thought Processes Research Empirical World Theory Abstract Concrete Framework Linking Medical (Health) Research to the World of Medicine (Health) YS 2010

7 RESEARCH METHOD Formulating research problem Conceptualizing research design Constructing instrument Selecting samples Research proposal Data processing Reporting Data collection YS 2010

8 RESEARCH METHOD Formulating research problem Conceptualizing research design Constructing instrument Selecting samples Research proposal Data processing Reporting Data collection The most crucial step Stating the aim of the study Reflecting Things to be found How to find it The research design Sample Instrument YS 2010

9 RESEARCH METHOD Formulating research problem Conceptualizing research design Constructing instrument Selecting samples Research proposal Data processing Reporting Data collection Use scientific method: systematically controlled Valid Include: Design selection Consideration of time and resource availability Consideration of expertise YS 2010

10 RESEARCH METHOD Formulating research problem Conceptualizing research design Constructing instrument Selecting samples Research proposal Data processing Reporting Data collection To collect data Use: Observation sheet Interview schedule Questionnaire Decide which to use: Primary data Secondary data YS 2010

11 RESEARCH METHOD Formulating research problem Conceptualizing research design Constructing instrument Selecting samples Research proposal Data processing Reporting Data collection Sample: subjects which was chosen to participate the study Define: sample size Consider the cost Avoid bias YS 2010

12 RESEARCH METHOD Formulating research problem Conceptualizing research design Constructing instrument Selecting samples Research proposal Data processing Reporting Data collection Reflecting the feasibility of the study Covering: Aim Hypothesis (if any) Research design Research procedure Instrument to be used Sampling and sample size Data analysis Limitation of the study Time allocation YS 2010

13 RESEARCH METHOD Formulating research problem Conceptualizing research design Constructing instrument Selecting samples Research proposal Data processing Reporting Data collection Collected data should be prepared for analysis Data analysis depends on research design Descriptive Analytic YS 2010

14 RESEARCH METHOD Formulating research problem Conceptualizing research design Constructing instrument Selecting samples Research proposal Data processing Reporting Data collection Can be written as: Article in journal Research/study report Minor thesis, thesis, dissertation Ch I Introduction Ch II Literature review Ch III Method Ch IV Result and discussion Ch V Conclusion and Recommendation Reference YS 2010

15 important Red-thread: background  research problem  research design  instrument  data collection  result & discussion  conclusion & recommendation Conclusion ~ research question Recommendation ~ research benefit YS 2010

16 Conclusion Research Part of life in medical world To answer scientific questions For the benefit of the patients, health providers, health facilities, government Follows steps of planning YS 2010

17 thank you

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