Presented by: FHS Counseling Department. FHS Counseling Department Student Last NameCounselor A-EAdrianna Raefield F-KoKerry Stroud Kr-PeTeri Hildenbrand.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: FHS Counseling Department. FHS Counseling Department Student Last NameCounselor A-EAdrianna Raefield F-KoKerry Stroud Kr-PeTeri Hildenbrand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: FHS Counseling Department

2 FHS Counseling Department Student Last NameCounselor A-EAdrianna Raefield F-KoKerry Stroud Kr-PeTeri Hildenbrand Ph-WiSusan Shanker/ Lead Counselor Wo-ZCarolann Carter/ Support Counselor Department Staff Counseling SecretaryJan Bing RegistrarDonna Willy Career Education SpecialistSusan Ballas

3 Need Help? Your Teachers Your Counselors After School and Evening (at PMS) Tutoring Support Classes Weekly Grade Checks

4 Considerations PE: 2 years required for graduation Plans for after high school: 2-Year or 4- Year College, NCAA sports, Trade School/Apprenticeship, Career, Travel, Etc. College prep courses: Continue to advance in Language, Science, Career Prep, upper level VAPAs, etc. New & Different courses offered: Principals of Biomed Sciences, Human Body Systems, Intro to Engineering Design, International Relations, etc. Community college & Online courses Preparing for College: Naviance, College Admission Exams, College Visits Combination of classes: Challenging, but manageable Involvement: Participate in community service, clubs, sports, etc.

5 College Admission Exams Community College English and Math Placement tests are taken at the Community College during the Spring of your senior year 4-Year College SAT ( o SAT Subject Tests recommended, not required ACT ( Private/ Out of State College Requirements vary _____________________________________________________________________________________________________  We recommend completing all tests by end of your junior year.  Tests can be repeated as many times as you like to improve scores until November of senior year.

6 What is a Credit? What is a credit? Something that you earn for passing a class. How many do you get? 5 credits for each semester class you pass with a D- or better. How many do you need to graduate? 230 How many is it possible to earn? 240 How many credits are there to spare? 10 credits, which is equal to 2 one-semester classes. How can you lose credits? Failing and/or repeating classes. 6 classes per semesterX 5 credits= 30 credits per semester 30 credits per semesterX 2 semesters= 60 credits per year 60 credits per yearX 4 years= 240 total possible credits

7 High School - College Comparison

8 Community College & Online Courses Check if courses are UC Approved o ( Only courses that are needed for graduation or college admissions will be added to your FHS transcript If you plan to take a community college or online course over the summer to fulfill a graduation requirement: o Request the same course when scheduling online & on your Supplemental Scheduling Sheet to reserve a space at FHS as well. Community College Courses: Apply online & print concurrent enrollment form for counselor signature. Online Courses: Require a counselor signed Non-PUSD Course Permission Form to be on file with the counseling office before registering online.

9 Math Sequence * 2 years of Math are required for FHS graduation

10 Science Life SciencePhysical Science Biological Science (Special Ed.) Physical Science (Special Ed.) Biology (P)Conceptual Physics (P) AP Biology (HP)Chemistry (P) Anatomy & Phys. (P)Physics (P) Zoology (P)AP Chemistry (HP) Principles of Biomedical Sciences (P)AP Physics (HP) ROP Environmental Science & Technology (P) (Juniors/Seniors) Meets both Life and Physical Science requirements at FHS Meets only Life Science requirement for UC/CSUs

11 Steps for Scheduling On the 10 th Grade Worksheet 2015-16: Choose English level: Soph English (P) or Honors Soph English Choose Social Studies Course: World History, Honors World History, or AP World History Choose PE: You need 2 years or PE for HS graduation Choose Math level We encourage 4 years of math Choose appropriate number of electives Science, World Language, VAPA, etc You must request a total of 6 courses


13 Supplemental Scheduling Sheet Supplemental Scheduling (SS) Sheets will be distributed to this class on Jan 29 Band Students & Color Guard: Complete Orange SS Sheet in your band class Counselors will pick up your SS on Feb 13 in your History classes Use your 10 th Grade Worksheet 2015-16 to help you choose your courses online and complete your SS Sheets Transfer the courses you selected on your Worksheet to your 10th Grade SS Sheet (orange for band) Enter the same courses online that you put on your SS Sheets, but DO NOT enter your alternates online. Write an Alternate course for EACH Elective course on your SS Sheets Students with IEPs: Consult with your Case Manager for hand scheduling After midnight on 2/10, future changes will not occur until Fall 2015



16 Registering Online Q Student Portal will be open Jan 26- Feb 10 at midnight To register online go to: o → Students & Parents → Scroll to Q Connection → Students o Or go to: User Name: Student ID number Password: Same as your Q Student Connection & Gmail passwords You can change your courses online as many times as you want until midnight Feb 10 DO NOT ENTER YOUR ALTERNATES ONLINE!!!

17 February 10 th at Midnight  All online course selections are final.  Future changes will not occur until Fall 2015.  And again, do not enter your alternates online!

18 Important Date Review Week of Jan 26: Counselors available via email or at lunch for students to discuss scheduling questions. Feb 2-6: Sophomore Supplemental Scheduling Sheets are distributed in your History classes. Feb 3: Meet with a counselor to discuss scheduling questions for next year in lunch groups. Sign up sheets in the counseling office. Feb 10: All schedules must be submitted online by midnight. Feb 13: Counselors will be collecting your Supplemental Scheduling Sheets in your History classes. March 13: Mini College Fair during lunch

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