Bianca Bullock Dr. McCullough Spring 2013 BMEN 321 Is pronation related to your body type?

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Presentation on theme: "Bianca Bullock Dr. McCullough Spring 2013 BMEN 321 Is pronation related to your body type?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bianca Bullock Dr. McCullough Spring 2013 BMEN 321 Is pronation related to your body type?

2 -Pronation is the inward roll of the foot while walking or running.

3 - The rhythmic alternating movements of the 2 lower extremities which result in the forward movement of the body.

4 Under Pronators Over Pronators Natural/Normal Pronators




8 Ectomorph- Skinny guy Mesomorph- That muscular guy Endomorph- That chubby guy


10 - Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person's weight and height. BMI is a fairly reliable indicator of body fatness for most people For example: -The participant is 5’5”and 100lbs. 5’5”= 65 inches 65 2 = 4225 (100lbs/4225)(703) = 16.639 The participants BMI would be 16.639 BMIWeight Status Below 18.5Underweight 18.5 – 24.9Normal 25.0 – 29.9Overweight 30.0 and Above Obese

11 - Mesomorphs will prove to be normal pronators; Ectomorphs will me over pronators; Endomorphs will be under pronators.

12 Who? What? How?

13 Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 7 Participant 9

14 Height: 5’4” Weight: 117 Age: 22 BMI=20.081 Healthy weight Has plenty of muscle mass Mesomorph Natural Pronator

15 Height: 5’3” Weight: 265 Age: 20 BMI: 46.938 Obese More fat mass than muscle Endomorph Under Pronator

16 Height: 5’11” Weight: 220 Age: 25 BMI: 30.680 Over weight for height However, participant had little fat mass Quite a lot of muscle mass Mesomorph Under Pronator

17 Height: 6’0” Weight: 257 Age: 22 BMI: 34.852 According to the BMI chart the participant is obese He seems to be a mix of meso- and endo- Participant has muscle mass in upper and lower extremities; most fat mass around the mid-section Endomorph Natural Pronator

18 Questionnaire Pulse Runner’s form

19 I used this section to make recomendations for the experiment


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