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Podpora rozvoje cizích jazyků pro Evropu 21. stol. INVESTICE DO ROZVOJE VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním.

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Presentation on theme: "Podpora rozvoje cizích jazyků pro Evropu 21. stol. INVESTICE DO ROZVOJE VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním."— Presentation transcript:

1 Podpora rozvoje cizích jazyků pro Evropu 21. stol. INVESTICE DO ROZVOJE VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.

2 A SHORT HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Revision – part 1 (Native Americans – Civil War) - gap filling and listening comprehension

3 Native Americans came from Asia crossing Bering land bridge at least 14 000 years ago slowly spread throughout the whole continent some tribes were hunter-gatherers, others adopted agriculture Well-known tribes : Huron, Apache Tribe, Cherokee, Sioux, Delaware, Algonquin, Choctaw, Mohegan, Iroquois, Inuit The Iroquois tribe -politically advanced and unique social structure - inspiration for the development of the democratic United States government

4 History of human migration A M is si ss ip pi a n p ri e st, w it h a c er e m o ni al fl in t m a c e. A rt is t H er b R o e, b a s e d o n a re p o u ss e c o p p er pl at e. A M is si ss ip pi a n p ri e st, w it h a c er e m o ni al fl in t m a c e. A rt is t H er b R o e, b a s e d o n a re p o u ss e c o p p er pl at e. A Mississippian priest, with a ceremonial flint mace.. Native Americans Video -- National Geographic

5 Christopher Columbus Italian navigator, colonizer and explorer his voyages were financed by the Spanish queen October 12th, 1492 discovered the New World – reached the coast of the Bahamas 1493 – second voyage,landing in Puerto Rico watchChristopher Columbus video

6 Colonization - Spanish – the first permanent European settlement – in Florida. Other Spanish settlements: Santa Fe, San Antonio,San Francisco, Los Angeles - Dutch - New Netherland - colonial province on the eastern coast of North America - now part of New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. Capital, New Amsterdam, located on the Manhattan island,later renamed New York. - French - New France - extended from Newfoundland to the Rocky Mountains, from Hudson Bay to the Gulf of Mexico. - divided in five colonies: Canada, Acadia, Hudson Bay, Newfoundland and Louisiana. - English:

7 Jamestown the first permanent British settlement in the New World, Virginia (1607) to seek gold, passage to Asia and make profit at the end of the 17 th century established commercial agriculture based on tobacco Slave trade – great demand for slaves in the Southern colonies Watch video

8 Plymouth Pilgrim Fathers from the ship the Mayflower established a settlement at Plymouth in 1620;other settlements Salem, Massachusetts, Boston Puritans, persecuted in England, looking for religious freedom (James I; Henry VIII’s reformation of the church in 1534) Set up Mayflower Compact – agreed to live by majority rule for the general good Plymouth colony Watch video

9 The French and Indian War War between the English and the French over rich and useful Ohio counry ( 1754) (part of the Seven Year War) Lead by George Washington, Britain sent many soldiers to help. Indians were French allies. HowStuffWorks Videos "Colonial Frontier: The French and Indian War"HowStuffWorks Videos "Colonial Frontier: The French and Indian War" ended in the Treaty of Paris: French gave up all their land east of the Mississippi (except for New Orleans) Britain makes many unpopular decisions: - bans making new settlements in the West - The Sugar Act, The Stamp Act – raises taxes very high on food imports and paper products – rebellions against the Crown start, Britain sends troops to enforce its rule

10 Colonies heavily taxed by the British, but have no representation in the British Parliament. 'No Taxation without representation!' Boston Masacre : five people killed by British soldiers 1773 :,The Tea Act' introduced – threatening to destroy profits for tea mearchants in the colonies Boston Tea Party, December 16, 1773: group of fifty men dressed as Indians threw cargo of tea into the sea at the Boston port British government outraged, accepts 'Intolerable Acts' – closes Boston harbour, restricts the right to assembly to punish Massachussets colonies get together for a protest – First Continental Congress – decided to boycot British trade, asked the king to cancel the Acts Struggle for Independence

11 War of Independence the first battle fought in April, 1775, the patriots were lead by George Washington Battle of Bunker Hill Battle of Bunker Hill Battle of Saratoga Battle of Saratoga – turning point of the war the Declaration of Independence signed on July, 1776 the Declaration of Independence signed on July, 1776 - written by Thomas Jefferson officially independent from Britain - declared the colonies officially independent from Britain

12 War of Independence the British finally surrendered at Yorktown on October 19, 1781 – the patriots were helped by allied France The 1783 Treaty of Paris signed, granted the Americans unconditional independence – a new nation is born

13 War of Independence in 1791 the Bill of Rights was ratified and its first ten Amendments were added to the Constitution in 1789 George Washington was elected the first US President in 1800 the capital was moved from Philadelphia to Washington

14 HowStuffWorks Videos "Revolution: American Victory over Great Britain" HowStuffWorks Videos "Assignment Discovery: Battle of Saratoga" HowStuffWorks Videos "Assignment Discovery: American Revolution" HowStuffWorks Videos "Road to Revolution: Colonial Americans at War" HowStuffWorks Videos "Road to Revolution: Rebels vs. Redcoats" HowStuffWorks Videos "American Revolution: Fighting at Bunker Hill" detailed HowStuffWorks Videos "Road to Revolution: The Price of Independence" HowStuffWorks Videos "Countdown to Independence: Thomas Jefferson's Task" MORE INFORMATION

15 Civil War (1861-1865) the biggest and the bloodiest war America has fought the Union, the North, industry; lead by Abraham Lincoln The Confederate States of America, the South, agriculture; lead by Jefferson Davis

16 Civil War (1861-1865) the war started with the Confederate attack on the Union-held Fort Sumte r in South Carolina the South was winning at first the North won two major battles in 1863: Vicksburg and Gettysburg the-american-civil-war-the-war-years- video.htm

17 Watch the video and answer these questios: 1. What were the differences between Confederate and Union situation and army? Which side had better chances of winning and why? 2. What were the three main points of Lincoln's strategy and what did the Confederates hope for? 3. What was the result of the battle of Bull Run? 4. Who was the successful general of the Union army? 5. What was the Union Blockade? Civil War (1861-1865)

18 The Anaconda Plan

19 Civil War (1861-1865) in 1865 Southern General Lee surrendered his forces to the Union General Ulysses S. Grant (future US President) in 1862/3 Lincoln issued Emancipation Proclamation – abolition of slavery × segregation, Martin Luther KingsegregationMartin

20 INVESTICE DO ROZVOJE VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky. Tato výuková prezentace byla pořízena z finančních prostředků hrazených Evropským sociálním fondem a rozpočtem České republiky.

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