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Warm UP Pg. 30-31 Impressment – The kidnapping of American Sailors by the British Navy. Francis Scott Key- a lawyer that wrote the Star Spangled Banner.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm UP Pg. 30-31 Impressment – The kidnapping of American Sailors by the British Navy. Francis Scott Key- a lawyer that wrote the Star Spangled Banner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm UP Pg Impressment – The kidnapping of American Sailors by the British Navy. Francis Scott Key- a lawyer that wrote the Star Spangled Banner during the War of 1812. Blockade- an act or means of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving. You need 4 colored pencils!

2 James Madison

3 British Naval officer impressing an American sailor

4 What would coastal blockade look like?

5 Agenda Monday: War of 1812 Tuesday: War of 1812 Comic Wednesday: James Monroe Thursday: Review Games Friday: Quiz over first 5 presidents

6 Causes of the War of 1812 3 causes of the War of 1812:
Impressment of U.S. sailors. Interference with American shipping. British support of Native American resistance.

7 The First War of the United States

8 The British and Native Americans
Tecumseh, Native American chief, organized Native Americans in the Northwest Territory to fight the Americans. He allied with the British in Canada.


10 Tecumseh Write down the following question :
What was Tecumseh’s vision?

11 Impressment In 1812, James Madison asked Congress to approve a war with Britain because of impressment and attacks on U.S. ships. Britain had announced that they would stop attacking U.S. ships but it was already too late.

12 Interference with American Shipping

13 Question Why do you think Britain wanted to avoid a war with the United States?

14 Causes – brown book pg. 168-169)
Why did New Englander’s oppose a war with Britain? Why did people in the south and west favor a war with Britain? Why did Congressmen Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun demand war? John C. Calhoun Henry Clay

15 Francis Scott Key writes the Star Spangled Banner.
Phase 1 U.S. Navy Vs. British Navy Phase 2 Francis Scott Key writes the Star Spangled Banner. White House Burned Phase 3 Andrew Jackson and the Battle of New Orleans

16 Question Where did most of the War of 1812 take place?

17 The First Phase (part) Between , the war against Britain was fought mostly by the Navy. Oliver Hazard Perry took command of the U.S. Navy in Lake Eerie.

18 Commodore Perry and the British battled for two hours before Perry’s ship was sunk. He rowed to another boat and destroyed the British fleet (ships).


20 The British ground forces retreated into Canada and General William Henry Harrison followed and defeated them at the Battle of Thames. The British were no longer a threat in the Northwest.

21 This image depicts the death of which famous Native American?


23 I’ve lost the war with England, but at least I’ve still got my hair.
Why is Napoleon Bonaparte so depressed?



26 Now that the war with France has been won by England, how will this affect the war with the United States?

27 British Blockade now that Napoleon has been defeated!
Shade in the blockade on your map and key. British Blockade now that Napoleon has been defeated!

28 The Second Phase (part)
After the British defeated Napoleon in 1814, Britain put its energy into defeating the U.S. The British blockaded the coast and marched to Washington D.C. and burned down the White House and the President’s mansion


30 Question What allowed the British to focus their energy on fighting the U.S. in 1814?

31 Around the same Francis Scott Key watched the bombardment of Ft
Around the same Francis Scott Key watched the bombardment of Ft. McHenry in Baltimore. The Americans stopped a British invasion. While watching the British and Americans fight, he wrote the “The Star Spangled Banner,” our national anthem.

32 Andrew Jackson and the Battle of New Orleans
Phase 1 U.S. Navy Vs. British Navy Battle of Thames Phase 2 Francis Scott Key writes the Star Spangled Banner in Baltimore, Maryland White House Burned Phase 3 Andrew Jackson and the Battle of New Orleans

33 Question Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner?

34 New Orleans (Phase 3) The British attacked New Orleans to cut off American use of the Mississippi. James Madison sent Andrew Jackson to command the American forces in 1815. American casualties=71 British casualties= 2,000 WAR HERO…

35 Question Why would the British want to cut Americans off at the Mississippi River?


37 Treaty of Ghent The Battle of New Orleans made Andrew Jackson a hero.
Slow mail form Europe had delayed news that the war had actually ended two weeks for the Battle of New Orleans. The Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812. end of the war.

38 Johnny Cash- Battle of New Orleans
Who is Johnny Cash singing about? What is Johnny Cash singing about?

39 Effects of the War of 1812 War of 1812
U.S. manufacturing grew due to the British Blockade. The start of the Industrial Revolution Increased American Patriotism. American heroes= Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison, Commodore Perry Weakened Native American resistance to westward settlement.

40 Interactive Map of War of 1812
Vote for a declaration of war:

41 Exit Ticket Why did the United States declare war on Great Britain in 1812? The British attempted to take back the original 13 colonies. The British were impressing American soldiers and attack U.S. ships. The British and the French were allies and agreed to fight the United States. The British believed the United States was plotting to take over Europe.

42 The War of 1812 Causes Native American Resistance
Interference with shipping Impressment _______________, Native American chief, organized Native Americans in the Northwest Territory to fight the Americans. He allied with the ____________ in Canada. Brown Book Questions ( ) Why did New Englander’s oppose a war with Britain? Why did people in the south and west favor a war with Britain? Why did Congressmen Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun demand war? In 1812, James Madison asked Congress to approve a war with Britain because of ______________________ and attacks on U.S. ships. Britain had announced that they would __________________ attacking U.S. ships but it was already too late. Who is Madison’s audience in this speech? What is he asking for? Why did he choose this audience? Whether the United States shall continue passive under these … accumulating wrongs, or, opposing force to force in defense of their national rights, shall commit a just cause into the hands of the Almighty Disposer of Events, … is a solemn question which the Constitution wisely confides to the legislative department of the Government. In recommending it to their early deliberations I am happy in the assurance that the decision will be worthy the enlightened and patriotic councils of a virtuous, a free, and a powerful nation.  —President James Madison, War Message to Congress Washington, June 1, 1812

43 Phases of War of 1812 Phase 2 (East Coast) Phase 3 (New Orleans)
Phase 1 (Great Lakes/Canada/NW) Phase 2 (East Coast) Phase 3 (New Orleans) Between , the war against Britain was fought mostly by the ___________________. __________________________took command of the U.S. Navy in Lake Eerie. Commodore Perry and the British battled for two hours before Perry’s ship was sunk. He rowed to another boat and destroyed the ___________________ fleet (ships). The British ground forces retreated into Canada and General ______________________followed them and defeated them at the Battle of _________________. The British were no longer a threat in the Northwest. After the British defeated ______________ in 1814, Britain put its energy into defeating the U.S. The British __________________ the coast and marched to Washington D.C. and burned down the White House and the President’s mansion. Around the same Francis Scott _______watched the bombardment of Ft. McHenry in Baltimore, Maryland. The Americans stopped a British invasion. While watching the British and Americans fight, he wrote the “________________________our national anthem. The British attacked New Orleans to cut off American use of the _______________. James Madison sent ______________________to command the American forces in 1815. American casualties=______ British casualties= _________ The treaty of ________________ ended the War of 1812. Effects of War of 1812 Map Key Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Blockade Increased American _______________. American heroes= _______________, William Henry Harrison, Commodore Perry Weakened ________________________resistance to westward settlement. U.S. manufacturing grew. Beginning of __________________________

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