Legislative Assembly & Bennett Centre Edmonton Parent Meeting March 12 &13, 2015 Welcome - will begin shortly Please ensure one parent has signed in. At.

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Presentation on theme: "Legislative Assembly & Bennett Centre Edmonton Parent Meeting March 12 &13, 2015 Welcome - will begin shortly Please ensure one parent has signed in. At."— Presentation transcript:

1 Legislative Assembly & Bennett Centre Edmonton Parent Meeting March 12 &13, 2015 Welcome - will begin shortly Please ensure one parent has signed in. At the end of the evening please sign out. February 18th, 2015 5:30 pm Nellie McClung

2 Introduction of staff and volunteers going on the field trip Teacher in charge: Ms. Samuelson & Ms Schmitz Joanna Yu Educational Assistant Gord Hamby Principal Rich Baverstock Parent

3 Connection to curriculum Citizens Participating in decision making Social Studies 6.1.4 & 6.1.5 analyze the structure and functions of local and provincial governments in Alberta through touring the Alberta Legislature building, viewing a general session and participating in a mock legislature. 6.S.4 demonstrate skills of decision making and problem solving 6.S.5 demonstrate skills of cooperation, conflict resolution and consensus building Science 6 & 7 observe, describe and interpret the movement of objects in the sky; and identify pattern and order in these movements

4 The cost of the trip, $110, includes bus, accommodations for Thursday night, dinner, evening snack, breakfast, a bagged lunch and swimming. Not included: morning snack and lunch Thursday - accommodations & meals in the case of emergency Friday night Follow along with agenda in your Parent packages: Agenda: What we will be doing for the two days Pack: What the students need to bring: handout (next slide) Electronics: Ipods, phones, ipads: Students will not bring electronic devices or cell phones with them on the trip. Any children on medication - needs to be kept with their teacher. Please fill in the form and submit with the rest of the package – have all medication sent into school two days before trip. Spending money: No money is required for this trip, please leave cash at home

5 Departure: packing up bus and leaving school at 8:30 am - Parents are required to have their children at the school on time - we are on a schedule and time frame to be in Edmonton - we cannot hold the bus Students must have a morning snack and a simple bagged lunch packed in backpack - nothing requiring warming up or thermos etc. Throw away would be best - less to pack around Friday arrival back at school noon

6 Bennett Centre Where everyone will sleep: The Bennett Centre is a 64 bed hostel style residence with a male and female wing each containing a washroom and showers. There are 4 beds (bunk beds) to a room and 8 rooms in each of the wings. Students will be required to bring their own bedding and overnight requirements. Teachers will make appropriate groups for sleeping arrangements


8 What to Bring Sleeping bag & Pillow or bedding - packed either in duffle bag or in a separate bag, please don't have loose. Complete change of clothes Swim suit - plastic bag to store wet suit Bagged lunch for first day and some snack for bus ride Outdoor shoes or boots (weather depending) Indoor shoes or slippers for the Bennett Centre Weather needs - mitts, raincoat, hat Towel Shampoo, soap, brush, comb, toothbrush, toothpaste

9 Emergency Planning procedures Ms. Schmitz and Ms. Samuelson have both visited the site and spoken with staff and are familiar with emergency exits. 911 is active at the Bennett Centre and would be called if emergency services needed to be call ( police, fire, ambulance, search and rescue) What steps will be taken if a student a) needs hospitalization: call 911 for ambulance services, then contact the parents as soon as possible to involve them in determining next steps in terms of treatment. Parents would be expected to travel, at their own expense, to Edmonton to meet up with their child at the Hospital in Edmonton. b) If a child is too ill to continue on the trip? Teachers would ensure the student is made as comfortable as possible, contact parents and they would be expected to travel to Edmonton, at their expense, to pick up their child. c) in the case of a snow storm on the 12th and unable to drive back to Calgary. We have been cleared to spend an extra night at the Bennett Centre. The cost of an extra night would be collected from parents when we return home.

10 Hazards Trips or fall students will be required to wear proper foot wear at all time, no running indoors. Getting lost or separated from the group: adult supervisor will be provided with a list of students in their small group, adult supervisor will do head-count prior to moving locations and after washroom breaks and report this information to TIC, adult supervisors will have a list of all adults' cell phone numbers, students will be instructed to ask an adult to assist them if they find themselves separated from the group and told never to leave any of the buildings with anyone but adult supervisors from our school. Students with medical conditions: TIC will review all medical information provided by parents and create a master list of medical conditions to be distributed, to and stored confidentially by adult supervisors. Fire and evacuation: TIC will provide adult supervisors with a map of the facility, list of individual students in their group, a master schedule and will review emergency procedures during the pre-trip meeting; fire and evacuation procedures will be reviewed with all participants during the initial orientation to the site and at each new facility. TIC will provide adult supervisors with a map of the facility, a list of the individual students in their group, a master schedule and cell phone numbers for all other adult supervisors. A fanout phone call will be issued - TIC would phone the school and each parent through the fanout list would be contacted in case of an emergency.

11 On the bus: Using Brewster Bus services Bus failure or delay: Follow bus driver's instructions if there is a need to leave the bus; Teachers will initiate emergency fan-out if delay is expected to be more than one hour and will keep Principal informed of and further changes to schedule. On the bus: Accidents or collisions, poor driving conditions teachers will check AMA Road Reports; students and parents will be instructed to stay seated at all times unless moving to washroom At the pool: STUDENTS WILL BE INSTRUCTED TO WALK, NOT RUN, AT ALL TIMES ON DECK AND IN CHANGE ROOMS The presence of the 2 lifeguards on deck. Adult supervisors will be on deck and in the water while students are swimming. There will be supervision in change rooms before and after swimming. We have called ahead and the pool is expecting us. There will be a short briefing and swimming test given by the lifeguards for the students prior to getting into the pool.

12 Conduct agreement : Students are expected to comply the first time a request is made by any adult; behaviour expectations are consistent with those of a regular school day, as outlined in the school agenda (e.g. respect for self, for others, for personal belongings, treating others with respect, no aggressive behavior etc.); If a child should not comply with behaviour expectations, students may be removed from an activity, adult would communicate what behaviour was inappropriate, students may be given a chance to change his/her behaviour and return to activity; if the behaviour issue is severe, or if attempts to support the student in altering inappropriate behaviour are unsuccessful, teacher or TIC will phone parent, who will be expected to pick up their child up The Bennett Centre at their own cost.

13 Questions? Please have all forms signed and checks handed into your child's teacher tonight or by February 25 th, 2015. Please sign out before leaving.

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