Dietary Guideline #7 Decrease Sodium and Increase Potassium.

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Presentation on theme: "Dietary Guideline #7 Decrease Sodium and Increase Potassium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dietary Guideline #7 Decrease Sodium and Increase Potassium

2 America’s Habits ► Most Americans consume MORE salt than they need. ► SODIUM chloride is also called salt. ► On the Nutrition Facts label salt is identified by SODIUM.

3 Health Effects ► Eating the recommended amounts of SODIUM will reduce your risk of HIGH blood pressure. ► High blood pressure is related to other diseases such as coronary HEART disease, stroke and KIDNEY disease.

4 Where is most of the sodium in our diet? ► Most of the sodium in our diet comes from PROCESSED foods such as cereal, spaghetti SAUCE, canned VEGETABLES, and most other foods already pre-made. ► Beverages, diet drinks

5 Processed or Natural? ► Mott’s Brand Applesauce ► Processed ► Homemade Bread ► Natural

6 What helps lower your blood pressure? ► Besides not overdoing it on salt, another way your diet can lower your blood PRESSURE is to consume a diet rich in POTASSIUM.

7 Potassium Rich Foods ► Fruits from the vine are high in POTASSIUM. ► Leafy GREEN and ROOT vegetables such as potatoes and sweet potatoes are high in potassium.

8 Key Recommendation #1 ► Consume less than 2,300 mg (approx 1 tsp. of salt) sodium per DAY.

9 Recommendation #2 ► Choose and prepare foods with less SALT.  Taste food before salting it.  Make foods from scratch. AND ► Consume POTASSIUM-rich foods such as fruits and VEGETABLES.

10 Why are vitamins needed every day? ► Vitamins assist in the BIOCHEMICAL reactions to the metabolic process. They are essential for good health. ► Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins could not do their jobs without them. ► Vitamins cannot be PRODUCED by our bodies. They must be INGESTED or EATEN in our food.

11 How Much? ► Some people believe that if small doses of vitamins are good for you, more is better. Too few vitamins keep the body from what? YOUR BODY WILL NOT OPERATE TO ITS FULL CAPACITY. Too many vitamins may be DAMAGING TO YOUR HEALTH, TOXIC.

12 ► Like paint protects your car from rust, these substances protect the body cells and the immune system from damage that can be done by harmful chemicals in the air and in foods: ANTIOXIDANTS. They may even prevent diseases like heart disease and cancer. ► When cells burn energy, substances called free radicals are a by-product which can damage body cells. ► ANTOXIDANTS transform these into less damaging compounds or repair the damaged cells.

13 ► Define Water Soluble Vitamins: Dissolve in water and pass easily into the bloodstream during digestion. These vitamins remain in your body for only a short time so you need them every day.

14 ► Define Fat Soluble Vitamins: Absorbed and transported by fat. Excess intake is stored in the liver and your body can draw on these vitamins when needed so daily replacement isn’t essential. If large amounts accumulate in the body, the effects can be damaging.

15 MINERALS ► Usually needed in tiny amounts, but critical to your health.  They make up only 4-5% of your body weight. ► Most minerals become part of the body (bones and teeth) and others are used to make substances that the body needs. ► Macro trace electrolytes ► 3 deficiencies

16 Macro major Minerals ► Found in relatively large amounts  Calcium  Phosphorus  Sodium  Potassium Trace micro Minerals ► Found in very small amounts  Iron  Zinc  Fluorine  Copper  Iodine Electrolytes Help maintain the fluid balance in the body, help maintain the heartbeat, and help muscle and nerve action. Easily become imbalanced in cases of dehydration, illness, and diarrhea. Sodium, Chloride, Potassium

17 GROUP PRESENTATION ► Each group will be assigned a vitamin or a mineral. ► Using the textbook and handout, create a mobile or 1 sided mini poster that includes the information about your topic:  Name of vitamin or mineral  Function (why the body needs it)  RDA (how much is needed)  Fat or water soluble  Food sources  Deficiency if too little, toxins if too much.

18 VITAMIN AND MINERALS ► As you listen to the group presentations fill in the information on the study guide table.

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