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Job Interview Hints & Tips "Interview Tips: You never get a second chance make a first impression": 1. Tell me about yourself. (Not your resume or your.

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Presentation on theme: "Job Interview Hints & Tips "Interview Tips: You never get a second chance make a first impression": 1. Tell me about yourself. (Not your resume or your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Job Interview Hints & Tips "Interview Tips: You never get a second chance make a first impression": 1. Tell me about yourself. (Not your resume or your work history) 2. What are your greatest strengths? (Have 2-3 SHORT examples ready)

2 2 LTAIGers’ Job Interview Hints & Tips Source: Partial excerpt from "The Employment Zone": 3. What are your weaknesses? (Stating "my weaknesses have been learning experiences" can be a step in the right direction) 4. What things are most important to you in a job? (Tailor your answer to the types of things that are directly related to the position for which you are applying, as well as to the corporate culture.)

3 3 LTAIGers’ Job Interview Hints & Tips Source: Partial excerpt from "The Employment Zone": 5. What would you describe as your greatest achievement to date? (One or two sentences can complete the picture. Try to keep it work related.) 6. What do you find most attractive about the job offered? (List three things that excite and motivate you. Be brief.)

4 4 LTAIGers’ Job Interview Hints & Tips Source: Partial excerpt from "The Employment Zone": 7. How do you resolve conflict? (Talk about your communication skills, your respect of your fellow workers, and everyone's right to privacy.)

5 5 LTAIGers’ Job Interview Hints & Tips Source: Partial excerpt from "The Employment Zone": Questions to Ask the Interviewer(s): 1. Does this position offer an opportunity for career growth? 2. Does your company have a policy on promotions from within? 3. What is the next step in the hiring process? When will the hiring decision be made?

6 6 LTAIGers’ Job Interview Hints & Tips Source: Partial excerpt from "The Employment Zone": Questions or Topics to Avoid Asking the Interviewer(s): - SALARY - BENEFITS - VACATIONS - FLEX TIME - RAISES - YOUR FAMILY RESPONSIBILITIES

7 7 LTAIGers’ Job Interview Hints & Tips Source: An excerpt from "First Job" (Job.Interview. Net): Q: It's my first job. What can I do/say to convince the interviewers I will be able to handle the job despite my lack of experience? A:Think about all the skills that are needed to perform the job you are interviewing for. Think about your transferable skills. List examples of these attributes (I.e. research, time management, and organizational skills.

8 8 LTAIGers’ Job Interview Hints & Tips Source: An excerpt from "First Job" (Job.Interview. Net): Ten attitude strikeouts that most often condemn job candidates: 1. Doesn’t ask questions 2. Condemnation of past employer 3. Inability to take criticism 4. Poor personal appearance 5. Indecisive, cynical, lazy 6. Overbearing, over aggressive, “know it all” 7. Late to interview 8. Failure to look at interviewer while interviewing 9. Unable to express self clearly 10. Overemphasis on money

9 9 LTAIGers’ Job Interview Hints & Tips Source: An excerpt from "Nonverbal Pitfalls to Watch For" from the Monster Interview Center: Nonverbal Pitfalls to Watch For: 1. The handshake: Your handshake should be firm,not bone-crushing, and your hand should be dry and warm. 2. Your posture: Stand and sit erect. Show some energy and enthusiasm. A slouching posture looks tired and uncaring. 3. Eye contact: Look the interviewer in the eye but don't want to stare, as this shows aggression. But, do not dart your eyes around the room while you are talking—this conveys a lack of confidence or discomfort.

10 10 LTAIGers’ Job Interview Hints & Tips Source: An excerpt from "Nonverbal Pitfalls to Watch For" from the Monster Interview Center 4. Your hands: Getting carried away with hand gestures can be distracting. Also, avoid touching your mouth while talking. 5. Don't fidget: There is nothing worse than someone playing with his or her hair, clicking a pen top, or tapping a foot. Overall, preparing what you will say is important, but practicing how you will say it is imperative. The nonverbal message can speak louder than the verbal message you are sending.

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