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Interviewing Skills Tips and Techniques for Landing a Job Presented by The Sure B.E.T. Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Interviewing Skills Tips and Techniques for Landing a Job Presented by The Sure B.E.T. Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interviewing Skills Tips and Techniques for Landing a Job Presented by The Sure B.E.T. Team

2 What is an Interview? Interviewing is a Skill – Like Riding a Bike Interviewing is a Skill – Like Riding a Bike An interview is a meeting between you and a potential employer An interview is a meeting between you and a potential employer Practice Makes Perfect Practice Makes Perfect

3 Types of Interviews Telephone Interview – Used to screen applicants or narrow applicant pool Telephone Interview – Used to screen applicants or narrow applicant pool One on One – Most common type of interview One on One – Most common type of interview Panel or Group – Many individuals interview you at once Panel or Group – Many individuals interview you at once Meal – Used to test your skills in a social setting Meal – Used to test your skills in a social setting Second Interview/On-Site – Allows you to tour organization and meet staff Second Interview/On-Site – Allows you to tour organization and meet staff

4 Preparation is the Key Research position, company and industry Research position, company and industry Be able to articulate skills, strengths, accomplishments and goals Be able to articulate skills, strengths, accomplishments and goals Prepare and take copies of resumes and a list of references Prepare and take copies of resumes and a list of references Ask for directions and where to park Ask for directions and where to park

5 Arriving at the Interview Allow yourself plenty of time to arrive at the interview; consider a dry run the day before Allow yourself plenty of time to arrive at the interview; consider a dry run the day before Don’t be late – Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes early to park, use the restroom and find the office/location of the interview Don’t be late – Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes early to park, use the restroom and find the office/location of the interview

6 First Impressions Only one chance to make a good first impression Only one chance to make a good first impression Dress appropriately Dress appropriately Smile Smile Maintain eye contact Maintain eye contact Firm handshake Firm handshake Remain poised and confident Remain poised and confident

7 Body Language What signals are you sending? Positive Signals Positive Signals Leaning forward = Interest Leaning forward = Interest Eye Contact = Focused Eye Contact = Focused Smiling = Friendly Smiling = Friendly Nodding = Attentive and Alert Nodding = Attentive and Alert

8 Negative Signals Negative Signals Crossed Arms = Defensive Crossed Arms = Defensive Lack of Eye Contact = Untrustworthy Lack of Eye Contact = Untrustworthy Tapping Foot or Fidgeting = Nervous or Bored Tapping Foot or Fidgeting = Nervous or Bored Leaning Back = Discomfort Leaning Back = Discomfort Body Language What signals are you sending?

9 Types of Interview Questions Standard/Traditional Standard/Traditional Tell me a little about yourself Tell me a little about yourself What do you know about our company? What do you know about our company? Why have you applied for this job? Why have you applied for this job? Why should we select you? Why should we select you? What are your career goals and where do you see yourself in 5 years? What are your career goals and where do you see yourself in 5 years? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Do you have any questions? Do you have any questions?

10 Types of Interview Questions Behavioral Questions Behavioral Questions Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision. Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision. Think about a time when you made a mistake. What did you learn from it? Think about a time when you made a mistake. What did you learn from it? What do you do when you have a conflict with a co- worker or supervisor? What do you do when you have a conflict with a co- worker or supervisor? Tell me about a time when you worked under a deadline. Tell me about a time when you worked under a deadline.

11 Types of Interview Questions Inappropriate or unethical questions Inappropriate or unethical questions How old are you? How old are you? Do you have children? Do you have children? What is your religion? What is your religion? What is your political affiliation? What is your political affiliation? Are you married? Are you married?

12 Types of Interview Questions Questions for you to ask the interviewer Questions for you to ask the interviewer What skills are you looking for in this position? What skills are you looking for in this position? Is there room for advancement? Is there room for advancement? What can I expect my first assignment to be? What can I expect my first assignment to be? Is there a training program available? Is there a training program available? What is the biggest challenge facing this dept.? What is the biggest challenge facing this dept.? What do you like most about this company? What do you like most about this company? What is the next step in the hiring process? What is the next step in the hiring process?

13 Interview Strategies Be prepared to talk about yourself, your past experiences and accomplishments Be prepared to talk about yourself, your past experiences and accomplishments Give examples of success stories, awards and goals that you have met Give examples of success stories, awards and goals that you have met Remain positive, enthusiastic, poised and confident Remain positive, enthusiastic, poised and confident

14 Interview Strategies Think before speaking Think before speaking Avoid long, drawn-out answers. Limit responses to 1-2 minutes Avoid long, drawn-out answers. Limit responses to 1-2 minutes If you do not understand the questions, ask the interviewer to repeat the question If you do not understand the questions, ask the interviewer to repeat the question Remain calm, relaxed and be yourself Remain calm, relaxed and be yourself Try to focus on the message you are trying to convey… NOT on how well you are doing Try to focus on the message you are trying to convey… NOT on how well you are doing

15 Common Interview Mistakes Poor personal appearance Poor personal appearance Lack of enthusiasm/interest Lack of enthusiasm/interest Over emphasis on money Over emphasis on money Failure to make eye contact Failure to make eye contact Limp, fishy handshake Limp, fishy handshake Asks no questions about the job Asks no questions about the job Lack of confidence and poise Lack of confidence and poise

16 How NOT to Get the Job Bring your mother or kids to the interview Bring your mother or kids to the interview Answer your cell phone during the interview Answer your cell phone during the interview Chew gum or smoke Chew gum or smoke Badmouth your previous employers Badmouth your previous employers Explain transportation and/or financial problems in depth Explain transportation and/or financial problems in depth

17 Follow-Up Ask good questions Ask good questions Thank the interviewer Thank the interviewer Request a business card Request a business card Inquire about next steps in the hiring process Inquire about next steps in the hiring process

18 Follow-Up Send a thank you note within 24 hours Send a thank you note within 24 hours Handwritten thank you notes or emails acceptable Handwritten thank you notes or emails acceptable Tailor each one to the individual Tailor each one to the individual

19 Final Thoughts Take some time to reflect after the interview Take some time to reflect after the interview Overall, how well did I do? Overall, how well did I do? What went well? What went well? What steps can I take to improve my interview skills for next time? What steps can I take to improve my interview skills for next time?

20 Suggestions for Success Write down a list of practice questions and short answers Write down a list of practice questions and short answers Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. Get a good night’s sleep – be well-rested and alert for the big interview Get a good night’s sleep – be well-rested and alert for the big interview Be relaxed and be yourself! Be relaxed and be yourself!

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