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By: Jessica, Xander, Kate  A step by step way to solve problems.

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2 By: Jessica, Xander, Kate

3  A step by step way to solve problems.

4 S CIENTIFIC M ETHOD S TEPS 1. Question 2. Hypothesis 3. Procedures 4. Data 5. Results 6. Conclusion Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Results ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Conclusion ~~~~~~~~~~ Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Results ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Conclusion ~~~~~~~~~~

5 Definitions Hypothesis- an educated guess Variable- one thing to test Control- leaving one thing in its natural state Inference- conclusion

6 Four Properties of a Good Experiment 1. Subjects need to be similar and more than 1 subject for each group. 2. Conditions should be the same except for the one variable being tested. 3. Need a controlled group. 4. Results should be reproducible or else not valid

7 Q: If a scientist does not prove the hypothesis correct is the experiment a failure? A: No because it is just a guess. Q: Why do scientist use steps anyway? A: To be organized. Q: Why is it important for a scientist to design a good experiment? A:So they can get results to solve the problem.

8  Jessica- designer, writer  Kate- typist, sketcher  Xander- interpreter

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