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Recovering Perspectives Mental Health and Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Recovering Perspectives Mental Health and Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recovering Perspectives Mental Health and Learning

2 What is Recovering? Anthony (1993) ‘a deeply personal, unique process or changing one’s attitudes values skills and roles…living a satisfying, hopeful and contributing life…development of new meaning’

3 Definitions ‘a process, a way of life, an attitude…it is not a perfectly linear process’ (Deegan,1988) ‘not about services…it is what people experience for themselves as they become empowered to manage their lives…to achieve a fulfilling, meaningful life and a…sense of belonging in their communities’ (NIMHE, 2005)

4 Definitions ‘finding hope…re- establishment of identity…finding meaning in life…taking responsibility’ (Andresen et al, 2003) ‘in discovering recovery, I do not mean ‘cure’. My recovery was about recovering a life that was meaningful to me and socially acceptable to those around me’ (May, 2000) ‘recovery…is each person’s unique experience…my recovery…included my reconnection’ (Long, 1994)

5 Understanding recovering Recovering is unique Recovering sees the person as more than the illness Recovering may not be symptom free Recovering may involve some kind of transformation/reconnecting

6 Partners in Recovering Mental Health & Learning

7 What is learning? “an enabling experience” “acquiring skill, insight and knowledge” “realising/ unlocking your potential” “discovering abilities” “developing confidence”

8 Mental Health & Learning Benefits of participation in Learning Acquiring new skills Feeling more empowered and having a greater sense of purpose Being viewed more positively by others Establishing new friendships Access to better jobs, better housing and easier access to leisure pursuits. (Mental Health & Social Exclusion Report 2004)



11 Promoting learning! Can you think of an example of how you helped someone back into learning? What do you think are the practical challenges? What positive outcomes have you seen for you and individual/s who you have helped?

12 The impact of learning! Self Esteem/Worth Achieving goals & ambitions Practical recovering Creating new opportunities New found confidence

13 The Role of Hope & Optimism Valuing people as human beings Acceptance & Understanding Believing in abilities and potential Attending to people’s priorities and interests Accepting failures and set backs as part of the process Accepting that the future is uncertain Finding ways of sustaining out own hope and guarding against despair Accepting that we must learn and benefit from experience. (Perkins & Repper 2003)

14 THE “EXPERT” SERVICE USER/CARER “It is my symphony and I am the conductor” David Tombs (2005)- NIMHE National PSI Implementation Team Critical role of hope, optimism & opportunity

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