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Portland State University Division of Student Affairs.

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Presentation on theme: "Portland State University Division of Student Affairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Portland State University Division of Student Affairs

2 Fall 2008 Division Wide Meeting 1.Transition to PSU 2.JB’s goals for the year 3.Leadership commitments 4.A challenge for us

3 Portland State University Go with grace and a spirit that fears nothing. -homer

4 PSU up and coming! – Biggest to best – Student success – Leadership – Engagement and Sustainability Student Affairs is ready! – Caring and hardworking people – Wide spectrum of quality programs and services – Ready for vision, goals and a bright future

5 Student Affairs : Vice Provost Goals Learn: Engaging and Informative First Year 1.Weekly meetings with students and student leaders 2.Meetings with SA units 3.Attend PSU events, classes, experiences …. 4.Meet with campus partners and leadership teams 5.Strengthen key partnerships: Smith Union, Housing, Campus Safety, University Studies, Service Learning, OIA, College/Schools 6.Visit 8 CC’s & Portland Publics 7.Conduct Student Experience Audit

6 Student Affairs : Vice Provost Goals Support: A Division of SA that Strives for Excellence 1.Increase professional development opportunities 2.Increase organizational communication, collaborations and leadership opportunities 3.Increase leadership development for SALT and emerging leaders within Student Affairs 4.Establish Assessment Council 5.Increase financial accounting infrastructure 6.Exam Division space needs and options for planning

7 Student Affairs : Vice Provost Goals Lead: Position SA to Provide Leadership for Key Issues 1.Create SA Organizational Alignments and Goals 2.Reduce interim personnel 3.Implement FSSSR Recommendations (Policy, Advising) 4.Establish Enrollment Planning Work 5.Enhance Pathways to PSU initiatives 6.Support Collaborative Partnerships: SOCC, FRINQ, Veterans, Spiritual Development … 7.Enhance SA Diversity work 8.Build Momentum for Healthy Campus Initiative

8 Leadership Commitments 1.Integrity: Authentic, honest, open, humble 2.Humanity: Uphold dignity for all, respect 3.Community: Relationship builder & convener 4.Hope: Vision, possibilities and plans 5.Responsibility: Bring order to the chaos 6.Knowledgeable: Learn everyday 7.Empowering: Enable leadership and energy

9 My challenge for us as Student Affairs Professionals… 1.Seek excellence and measurable outcomes 2.Strive for continuous improvement 3.Learning-oriented and forward thinking 4.Actively create our future 5.Collaborative, healthy and hopeful 6.Student-centered and caring 7.Appreciative, Just and Inclusive 8.Responsible leadership at every level 9.Have fun and support each other

10 Portland State University Division of Student Affairs

11 Student Affairs Focus Areas: 1.Pathways To and Into the University 2.Support & Enhancement of Academic and Career Success 3.Opportunities For Support and Engagement within the University Learning Community and Community at Large 4.Opportunities For the Development of Leadership, Citizenship, Diverse and Global Perspectives 5.Support for Healthy Living

12 Engagement within the University Learning Community Engagement within the University community is fundamental to student success. Supportive learning and social communities form to accomplish various purposes. It is through these learning community affiliations that students can experience a sense of belonging and receive support needed for their success. Affiliations can also provide identity anchors and serve as the impetus for practicing communication, critical thinking, leadership and cultural competency skills. Develop Leadership, Citizenship, Diverse and Global Perspectives As educated people, students have the social responsibility to assume leadership roles when needed. Because of this responsibility, students must have opportunities to develop and refine their abilities to participate fully as leaders and citizens. Leadership experiences also allow students to consider diverse and global perspectives. Diverse relationships in the learning environment contribute to improvements in a students' ability to engage in more complex thinking and act with an appreciation of difference and social justice issues. Academic and Career Success The academic experience is at the core of a student’s life. Students often judge their success at the University by their academic and career achievements. Academic and career support includes those specifically cultivated relationships with faculty, career development programs and academic advising services that increase the likelihood that students will realize their academic and career goals. Services also include accommodations for disabilities, academic support, tutoring, academic skill building, and educational equity enhancement programs. Pathways to and into the University Pathways to the University include those programs, services and activities that increase the likelihood that a potential student will enroll and successfully transition to university life. It includes the articulation of a mission-aligned enrollment management plan, sustained financial resources for students, pre- college programs and effective CC partnerships. This also includes outreach to industry and local communities. Strong pathways also include student transition programs such as campus visits, new student orientation, first year student support, and family outreach to assist a student during the matriculation or return to the university. PSU & Student Affairs Thematic Priorities Healthy Living Practices Health is directly related to student success. Healthy living means developing and sustaining wellness with regard to the psychological, social, spiritual, physical, intellectual, cultural and interpersonal dimensions of one’s life. It also includes a commitment to healthy and sustainable living practices. Programs and services provide opportunities for students to receive support that helps them to maintain healthy lifestyles and acquire sustainability living skills. Enhance Educational OpportunityImprove Student Success Student Affairs Unit Goals and Initiatives to Support Themes

13 Portland State University Division of Student Affairs

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