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Easy Authority + Automated Traffic = Big Cash LinxBot Webinar Script.

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Presentation on theme: "Easy Authority + Automated Traffic = Big Cash LinxBot Webinar Script."— Presentation transcript:

1 Easy Authority + Automated Traffic = Big Cash LinxBot Webinar Script

2 29 years old full time Internet marketer I have a wife Ruth 3 young children 3 years ago I quit my job I run a successful business from Home 3 years ago I was a self-employed electrician working 70 hours a week Simon Greenhalgh

3 I spent a year studying SEO I had the Internet marketing bug I used my spare time to build websites My online income started to outgrow my offline income Simon Greenhalgh

4 I spend more time with my family Travel the world and afford luxuries Able to buy an Audi A5 for cash, travel to Barbados, The Philippines, Disneyland Paris, Mauritius and Italy. Simon Greenhalgh

5 I have had some success with creating and selling training products and software. I discovered some Techniques that allowed me to get first page Google rankings easily. I have managed to build highly trafficked websites in some of the most competitive industries online.

6 Simon Greenhalgh has gone from being nowhere to a PR4, with over 1,000 visitors per day and generating a 5 figure monthly affiliate income in just 4 months. I outsourced the vast majority of the work!

7 SEO strategy that I have developed over 3 years. The result of thousands of hours of testing and tweaking. I have also spent tens of thousands of dollars and many failures to get to this point. This diagram can be broken down into 3 broad areas that we need to focus on with every new website. We need to build trust first, then popularity, then authority.


9 Trust Manipulate these two by purchasing aged and high PR domains from places such as Go Daddy auctions. 1.Page Rank 2.age. Two Main Attributes To Establish TRUST Then take a piece of themed content of more than 800 words and put this on our aged domains. Once these pages have been indexed, we can redirect them to our main website, this will pass on all the trust, giving us a great initial boost.

10 These domains can be picked up for prices ranging between $10 and many hundreds of dollars, depending on your budget. It's quite possible to find PR3 domains for under $20 by easily. We then want to focus on building huge popularity. best way of demonstrating popularity is social media. We need to make sure that our content is shared across as many different social media channels as possible. This quite easy very cheap to do using websites like Fiverr. Trust


12 Popularity try and replicate what would happen with the launch of any other successful website. -- there would be an initial gradual increase in popularity. use this same process when replicating this for our own websites. -- we would see an sustained level of interest as traffic increased and the websites authority was established. -- we would see a sudden burst of activity every time a new piece of content was released. The following strategies can be bought from You can mix this list up among your main domain, new pieces of content including videos and images.

13 Popularity Pins and RePins for new images on Pinterest URLs being shared on Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter Facebook likes Google Plus ones Videos being bookmarked and shared Content being Dugg on Digg Content being shared on StumbleUpon These services can be bought for just a few dollars each and you would want to keep a steady stream of these hitting your web pages over time.

14 Popularity focusing on getting your content shared on Facebook Google Plus and on Twitter. Building Your First Websites On A Budget Share your content to as many social media websites as you can. It's not possible to do this too much, however, it is possible to not be consistent enough.

15 Popularity If you do a sudden burst of social media activity upon launch of a website you will get a great boost in rankings and traffic. However, if you do not continue this then these rankings will quickly drop and so will the traffic. There are many services you can find online that automate social signals and once your website is generating steady income, you can set this aspect of your business on autopilot.

16 Popularity If you do a sudden burst of social media activity upon launch of a website you will get a great boost in rankings and traffic. However, if you do not continue this then these rankings will quickly drop and so will the traffic. There are many services you can find online that automate social signals and once your website is generating steady income, you can set this aspect of your business on autopilot.

17 Authority

18 The search engines made it very hard to manipulate your website having more authority than it deserves. Authority Probably the most difficult component of my system to replicate. Managing to secure authority in the eyes of Google for your website is a fantastic thing, this means your website is a trusted source of information and you are much more likely to be given more traffic when people are searching for your topic.

19 Google use a system called PageRank to pass authority around websites. PageRank has been a part of their ranking algorithm since the very beginning and there is very little chance of it going anywhere anytime soon. How Do We Get This Authority? Authority

20 Manipulating PageRank by building thousands of very low quality links automatically. Another way was to build networks of high PageRank websites and build links from within these networks to our content. The Problem

21 However, there are a few problems. Firstly, you are still Spamming the Internet with very low quality content and links, which doesn't leave a very warm fuzzy feeling for most people. Also, the strategy takes a very long time to see any results. Another way marketers have used to manipulate PageRank was to build a first tier of low quality links on brand new pages with no authority. Then build massive amounts of links to this first tier, hoping to pass on PageRank over time. The Problem

22 best way of getting huge amounts of authority -- Getting my backlinks and my content onto high quality, high PageRank websites. few ways to go about this -- contact owners of high quality blogs and offer to write content for them. This is called guest blogging and is a fantastic way of getting high quality backlinks, establishing authority for both you and your website. The Problem

23 -- You can leave your backlinks in your comment, this gives a double whammy of generating high quality backlinks and also traffic as other readers will visit your websites after reading what you have to say! -- Another way is to find high quality blogs in your niche, read their content and then leave your thoughts in the comments area. The Problem

24 Firstly, it's hard to find these blogs, It's also very time consuming. The Problem The traffic which you can get from using these techniques can be huge.


26 -- So, that's what I did. After almost 12 months of development and $16,437 in costs I finally cracked the code. The Solution What if I could develop an automated piece of software that helped me to find these high quality websites in just a few seconds? -- The results I got when using this new software called Linxbot were simply incredible

27 Using LinxBot

28 LinxBot Tests



31 Own LinxBot

32 Big name marketers selling software via Webinar at crazy prices like $1,997 and some even higher. I eventually decided that $497 was the perfect price. $497 is low enough to allow serious Internet marketers access but high enough so not to devalue Linxbot. Own LinxBot

33 We are just releasing this to you now, we need YOUR help to get us some really great testimonials. Own LinxBot Imagine all the traffic, all the sales, and all the money you’ll be making when you put this to use in your own business. So, on this one-time webinar, you can get access to this revolutionary tool for just $97.

34 We’re giving you such a low price, you’re on the hook for a testimonial! When you put this to use in your own business, we want to know your results. So in 2 weeks we’ll be sending you a short survey with 3 questions that’ll help us show others just how powerful this tool is. It’ll only take a couple minutes, and remember, because you’re helping us out, we’re giving you an 80% discount...” This price will never be repeated and is only available to you on this Webinar. You are also going to get free lifetime updates once you lock in at this low price. Own LinxBot

35 get access to my TNT Marketing course completely free of charge. TNT Marketing Course shows you step by step on how to build amazing websites that will generate amazing commissions on almost complete autopilot. When you combine this bonus with LinxBot you have a complete business in a box that anyone can follow to build a great online business. This course has a real world value of $97 and is being led to hundreds of happy customers right now. Own LinxBot

36 Q & A This Special Offer Price Is Going To Be Available For The Duration Of This Q&A Session.

37 RECAP You will get lifetime access to LinxBot. You will be locked in for life for this low, one time fee. If for any reason in the next 30 days you are not 100% happy with LinxBot then I do not want your money. Send me a quick email and I will refund every penny and thank you for giving it a try.


39 Thank You !!!

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