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What You Will Learn? - Ways You Can Promote any affiliate offer. - How To Find Video Keywords. - Things to Remember Before Creating.

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Presentation on theme: "What You Will Learn? - Ways You Can Promote any affiliate offer. - How To Find Video Keywords. - Things to Remember Before Creating."— Presentation transcript:

1 What You Will Learn? - Ways You Can Promote any affiliate offer. - How To Find Video Keywords. - Things to Remember Before Creating Videos. - How To Create Youtube Videos. - How To Optimize Videos for Higher ranking - How To Rank You Tube Videos. - How To Check the ranking progress. Video Marketing

2 Different Ways to Promote any Affiliate Offer By Creating websites. Video Creation. Paid Advertising. Email Marketing. By Creating Squidoo Lenses.

3 Video Marketing Concept of Video Marketing- Step 1- Find a Keyword For Which You can Create a Video. Step 2- Prepare Concept For Your Video. Step 3- Create The Video Using suitable tools. Step 4- Upload Videos on You tube. Step 5- Rank the videos and drive traffic.

4 How To Find a Video Keyword A Video Keyword is the one for which you’ll find one or more videos in top 10. So Try to find a keyword for which you’ll see at least 1 you tube video ranking in top 10. Usually Google shows videos for these type of keywords- - How To Keywords ( How To Play football) - Reviews (venus factor reviews) -Tutorials (Setting up WordPress) etc.

5 Things To Remember Before Creating Videos What Type of Videos work best? - Live Testimonials. - Product Unveiling. - Videos That sound personal. - Videos Mentioning Pros and cons. - Videos that are short and to the point. Things To Remember Before Creating Videos -Who is the audience for this video? - What do you want them to learn? - What do you want them to feel? - What they already know?

6 How To Create You Tube Videos  Option 1. Using Free Tools - Animoto  Option 2. Create a Screencast- Camtasia (30 days Free Trial Available) Camstudio Jing  Option 3. Hire a Pro- oDesk Fiverr

7 How To Create Animoto Videos Pros and Cons- People who are shy to talk can use this tool. Simple and Easy to Use. Free Version allows you to create 30 Sec length Videos only. Free Videos are watermarked. Preparation – Prepare a script. Collect Few Images. ( Use Google Image, Flickr etc) Let’s Go to Animoto for a Live Demonstration!

8 How To Create a Screencast Video Pros and Cons- This type of videos convert best. Those with better English skill can leverage this. No upfront cost. Learning process is time consuming. Preparation- Create a script Get a Headset Learn How to Use the software.

9 How To Hire Pros To Create Videos For You Pros and Cons- Easiest way to create a video. Video quality will be top notch. Hassel free. Need to spend some money for this. Preparation- Create a script Go to Fiverr or Post a Job at oDesk. Hire People with good reviews and matches with the theme of your product. Let’s Go to Fiverr for quick demonstration.

10 How To Upload The Videos for Better Ranking Best Practices- Keep The Main Keyword at the beginning of the title. Write a Long Description of the video. (300+ words) Keep the affiliate link at the beginning of the description. Include your Keyword few times in the description. Use Other relevant Keywords in Description. Use Tags ( as many as possible) All these are equally important !

11 How To Promote You tube Videos Rank Videos For Maximum Exposure- 1.Get High Retention Views For Your Videos. - Use Or Search in Google. - Don’t Blast Your video with too many views within a very short time. - Make sure people watches at least 40% of your video. Let’s go to you tube to check the retention. 2. Build Backlinks Pointing to the Videos. - Build High PR backlinks. - You can use automated tools like GSA, Magic Submitter etc. - Analyze the Backlinks of competitor videos !

12 How To Promote You tube Videos Leave Comments in Other Related Videos. (Pick highly viewed videos!) Promote The Video in Related Social Media Groups and Pages. If You have an email list, let them know about it ! Try to leverage the power of Pinterest.

13 Tracking Progress of The Videos Track the Analytics Statistics of your you tube account. - Traffic Sources - Audience Retention - Channel Views. Track Ranking of The video- - Use Rank TrackerRank Tracker Or Any other free rank tracking tool. Rinse and Repeat !


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