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The Principles of Design

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1 The Principles of Design
Uses the Elements of Design - Line, Shape, Value, Texture, Form, Color and Space to create amazing compositions for all types of art. For Fine Arts, Graphic Arts, Interior Design, Fashion Design, Landscape Design, etc. etc.

2 Composition Proportion (Scale) Balance Movement Rhythm Contrast
Emphasis Pattern Harmony/Unity The basic principles of design include the following:

3 Proportion Proportion is the relationship between objects, or parts, of a whole. Elements seem to be an appropriate size for the space they fill.

4 Proportion The ratio of one part to the whole. Things just look right.

5 Formal Balance One side is a mirror image of the other side
Symmetrical or Formal Balance is the arrangement of forms on one side of an imaginary central dividing line, axis or plane is the mirror image of the other side. Associated with the beauty of nature. Repose and dignity.

6 Informal Balance Objects on each side of the central dividing line are different. More exciting and dramatic Asymmetrical or Informal Balance brings elements that are not matching into equilibrium. Asymmetrical balance can be achieved through placement, shapes, colors, sizes, and other aspects of objects.

7 Movement The use of lines, color and repetition to create the illusion of motion. Drawing the eye around the composition.

8 Movement The use of lines, color and repetition to create the illusion of motion. Drawing the eye around the composition.

9 Movement The use of lines, color and repetition to create the illusion of motion. Drawing the eye around the composition.

10 Rhythm- Repetition When a design element is repeated
Repetition is created when a design element is repeated. Can be achieved through color, line, form, or texture. Can sometimes lead to monotony, so it must be balanced against the need for variety.

11 Rhythm-Gradation Light to Dark Thin to Thick Small to Large

12 Rhythm- Radiation Lines flow out from a single point.
Radiation: lines flow out from a central point.

13 Contrast Contrast is using opposite or sharply different color, shape etc. to provide variety which creates interest.

14 Contrast Color

15 Contrast Line, shape

16 Emphasis Emphasis creates a center of interest An area that dominates
Attracts the viewer’s eye Also referred to as a Focal Point Emphasis is the feature that is seen first and that repeatedly draws attention.

17 Emphasis Dominates by size, texture and color

18 Emphasis By color and placement

19 Pattern Pattern means the repetition of an element (or elements) in a work. An artist achieves a pattern through the use of colors, lines, shapes, etc.

20 Pattern A little more random

21 Pattern Found in nature

22 Pattern Recognize it in the world around you.

23 Pattern It’s everywhere just look closely.

24 Harmony/Unity & Variety
Harmony is achieved when Unity and Variety are effectively combined.

25 Unity The design is seen as “whole”.
Unity is blending elements in a pleasing way, uncomplicated and soothing. Sometimes can seem monotonous.

26 Variety The subtle differences we see that create the variety of life for us to enjoy. Artists combine elements in different ways to create a unified composition. Variety captures our attention and creates interest.

27 Harmony/Unity & Variety
What make’s it have Harmony?

28 Harmony Is it harmony? What do you think?

29 Conclusion As you can see the Principles of Design
overlap some but through practice and exposure you will see these principles come to life all around you.

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