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Ideally, to occupy a middle position between conflicting extremes: to be both kind and demanding.

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Presentation on theme: "Ideally, to occupy a middle position between conflicting extremes: to be both kind and demanding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ideally, to occupy a middle position between conflicting extremes: to be both kind and demanding

2 Character To be kind is not to be soft or weak To be demanding is not to be unfair Both good natured reserve and Generous sharing of intellectual excitement Such balance keeps teachers from corrupting the appropriate relationship between themselves and their students

3 Character The goal is drawing out of ourselves the traits of character --- the traits of our moral nature --- that will accommodate and enhance students’ learning. All teachers must consider how they can use the mental and moral qualities that are inherently theirs to best effect in the classroom.

4 Character “A teacher’s teaching character must be authentic.” All teachers ought to accept their natural traits and strive to make them work in the classroom for the benefit of their students Knowledge anchored to a teacher’s irrepressible passion for a subject Technique linked with personal experience

5 Character “Character must be consistent.” At all times: good humor, equanimity, and friendliness There is little room for greatly varying shifts of mood Little room for anger, disappointment, or despair These cannot help students and have no bearing on the subject matter of a course

6 Character “Character means showing humanity by acknowledging lapses and errors.” Errors of fact and interpretation must be candidly confessed Better methods ought to be presented Both should be explained Learning is promoted Honesty exemplified Teachers seen as struggling to overcome the natural difficulties of learning

7 Character “Character requires sociability.” Balance between overfamiliarity and icy detachment Approachable and obviously interested in students’ lives Readily available sources of counsel in matters related to instruction and study

8 Character “Character should be distinct and individual.” With real character comes real teaching. Teachers who create a distinct impression on their students are more likely to lead them to real learning.

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