Spain Country Presentation By: Hayley, Natalie, Veronica, Michael.

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1 Spain Country Presentation By: Hayley, Natalie, Veronica, Michael

2 Spain: an overview Government -constitutional monarchy - practice democracy -Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments Religion -catholic christianity official religion until 1978 constitution - free to practice religion of choice in all areas Language -4 Main languages, most latin based (Castilian, Catalan, Gallego, and Basque) -98% literacy rate Economy -Components: 4% Agriculture, 30% Industry and 66% Services -Tourism is major source of foreign exchange People and Family Life -Population: 40 280 780 -Population Density: 86 people per km squared -Population Distribution: 24% rural, 76% urban

3 New constitution in 1978 Constitutional Monarchy Elections by means of Proportion Representation Includes Monarch, Prime Minister, Cortes and Cabinet Government overview Monarch: Juan Carlos I (left) Prime Minister: José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (bottom) Natalie

4 Government’s Reflection on the Values and Norms Value/ NormGovernment’s Reflection Democracy -Senate, Congress and P.M. are elected Rights -new constitution promoted more social rights and freedoms Tradition -The Monarch is a symbol of unity and permanence, since 1516 Equality -Elections are by means of proportional representation -Everyone has right to vote Natalie

5 Relating Governments In Spain Value: Tradition and History of the Spanish Monarchy Norm: Monarchy is widely supported and popular throughout Spain. In Canada Value: Tradition and History Norm: A large amount of Canadians do not support the Constitutional Monarchy Political System would work in Canada since almost identical Natalie

6 Religion overview Beginning of the 19 th century, political liberalism led to conflict between church and state, especially over land and education Since the Second Republic(1931-39) Spain lost status of official religion (Catholic) Since then Spain has had no official religion Roman catholic church receives financial support from the state Most anticipated holiday: October 12, Hispanic (Día de la Hispanidad/Fiesta Nacional) Hayley

7 Religion in Canada vs. Religion in Spain Hayleya

8 Norms and Values Value/ NormReligion’s Reflection Culture -predominately 1 religion (Roman Catholic) Church -25% of Spaniards attended church on Sundays as of the 1980’s Canada Vs. Spain -Canada encourages many religions/ Spain encourages 1 -Both encourage immigration Hayley

9 Economy The ninth largest economy worldwide. Est. 22.85 million labor force (2008) Est. 11.3% unemployment rating (2008) GPD per capita: Est. 34,600 (2008) Goods Exported: Machinery, motor vehicles, food stuffs, consumer goods. Goods Imported: Machinery and equipment, fuels, chemicals, semifinished goods, food stuffs, consumer goods Manufactoring: Strongest Agriculture: Weakest Michael

10 History of Economy 1492: Columbus discovers gold and Silver, which profits Spain. Wars, troops, and ships caused declines in riches. Spanish civil war resulted in economy to divide. Dicatator Francisco Franco isolated Spain from Europe. Franco’s death resulted in Democracy allowing trade. Michael

11 Spanish People & Family Life Population in 2004 was 40 280 780. Population Density 24% in rural areas and 76% in urban Families are smaller, norm 2 children The mother is most responsible for the raising of the children The teenage male spends more time with his friends The teenage female gets closer to her mother, and they remain close Weddings are big affairs, at least 200 guests expected Usually marry in their own social class Women have an ever increasing role in the Spanish economy No such thing as a typical Spaniard veronica

12 Family Life- Relating to Values/Norms Spain Values” Canada and Spain both have similar Norms and Values Values : Family and Marriage is important, and viewed as a sacred right of passage Norm: Families are usually small in size, and marriage is important although not necessary. veronica

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