Inca Civilization Barker. Geography Began in Cuzco Terrian was rugged:  Andes mountains  the coastline deserts,  the Amazon jungle. The mountains and.

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Presentation on theme: "Inca Civilization Barker. Geography Began in Cuzco Terrian was rugged:  Andes mountains  the coastline deserts,  the Amazon jungle. The mountains and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inca Civilization Barker

2 Geography Began in Cuzco Terrian was rugged:  Andes mountains  the coastline deserts,  the Amazon jungle. The mountains and Amazon both acted as a natural barrier The Andes ran north to south along the western side of south America

3 Adaptations to Geography Inca built bridges between mountain peaks and over deep gorges. These bridges were made of sturdy vines Terrace faming in the Mountains Aqueducts to carry water

4 Rise of the Incas Emperor was considered descendant of the sun god Land was divided into 4 provinces Strong central government need to maintain large empire. Tributes were paid in the form of labor tax Lands were conquered & immediately divided & redistributed- some went to the Emperor, some to the people, and some to the sun god Captured peoples were required to learn and use Quechua- the official language Local leaders were appointed by emperor Children of local leaders were educated in Cuzco & then returned to their villages

5 Economics All people grew created what they needed- all excess was collected by the government & stored for people or soldiers in case of disaster/need Storehouses were located along the highways Everyone worked for the government as well as for their own family’s needs Labor tax- everyone worked for the government for several weeks each year No trade because the government collected and redistributed everything Command economy no money, no credit; only small mounts of local bartering

6 Social Structure The Sapa Inca owned everything. He ruled everything. He made all the laws. He was all powerful. Emperor (incarnation of sun god) Head Priest & Head of army Regional army leaders Temple priests, local army leaders & skilled workers Farmers, herders, soldiers Slaves- not as widely practiced as in other civilizations

7 Religion Polytheistic Mummification Sacrifices- llamas, cloth, food, occasionally people

8 Why did the Inca civilization decline Spanish explorers came to conquer lands Interaction between Atahualpa & Pizzaro Incan swords were no match for Spanish guns Small pox spread throughout empire

9 Achievements Roads Temples Suspension bridges Quipu Jewelry Calendar Terrace farming Medicine Domestication/use of llamas

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