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Branches of the U.S. Government Judicial. The Supreme Court Highest court in the United States – There will always be a majority vote Chief Justice is.

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Presentation on theme: "Branches of the U.S. Government Judicial. The Supreme Court Highest court in the United States – There will always be a majority vote Chief Justice is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Branches of the U.S. Government Judicial

2 The Supreme Court Highest court in the United States – There will always be a majority vote Chief Justice is the head of the Supreme Court –

3 Jobs of the Supreme Court The Supreme Court hears 4 types of cases –

4 Supreme Court Cases About cases apply for Supreme Court hearings every year Justices only hear about Justices publish their rulings in order to set “precedents” for other courts to model their decisions on

5 Office of Supreme Court Justice Presidents appoint and Congress approves Justices serve until they die, retire or are impeached

6 Court Structure Congress establishes lower federal court District courts are – Each state has at least one Court of Appeals are federal courts that make sure District Courts do their jobs correctly –

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