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3 Branches of Government The Judicial Branch. Creation of the Judicial Created by the Constitution These courts are called “Guardians of the Constitution”

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Presentation on theme: "3 Branches of Government The Judicial Branch. Creation of the Judicial Created by the Constitution These courts are called “Guardians of the Constitution”"— Presentation transcript:

1 3 Branches of Government The Judicial Branch

2 Creation of the Judicial Created by the Constitution These courts are called “Guardians of the Constitution” –Federal courts decide the constitutionality of laws The Judicial Branch’s role is to interpret the laws and how they are applied to facts in a dispute Ensures fairness for all citizens

3 The Federal Court System Jurisdiction – area of power or authority Constitution gives Federal Courts Jurisdiction over: –Laws and treaties written by the federal govt. –Interpreting the Constitution –Disputes involving foreign officials –Maritime Law –Disputes in which the U.S. is involved –Disputes between two or more states –Disputes between U.S. citizens of different states or with a foreigner

4 Judges Types of Federal Judges –Judges of the Supreme Court –Judges on the Courts of Appeals –Judges in the Federal District Courts –Judges of the Court of International Trade Federal Judges are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate Appointed for Life but may be Impeached

5 The Supreme Court of the United States Supreme Court is the “Highest Court in the Land” It is an Appellate Court Exercises Judicial Review –Decides if an act of government conflicts with the Constitution 9 Justices –Headed by Chief Justice (John Roberts)

6 Supreme Court at Work Hears about 150 cases per year “Rule of Four” to decide which cases to hear Majority Rules

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