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* The head of the Judicial Branch is,___________ * Define jurisdiction:

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Presentation on theme: "* The head of the Judicial Branch is,___________ * Define jurisdiction:"— Presentation transcript:

1 * The head of the Judicial Branch is,___________ * Define jurisdiction:

2 * Decides if laws are allowable under the U.S. Constitution * Power is limited

3 * Diplomats from foreign countries * Disputes between states

4 * Appealed from lower district courts

5 * Supreme Court chooses the cases it hears * Final authority; Constitution, Congress, Treaties * Refusal- lower court decision stands

6 * 8 associate justices and a chief justice- total of 9! * President appoints Supreme Court justices, with the approval of the Senate

7 * Judicial Review- constitutional or not?

8 * Checks and Balances * Executive branch to enforce it’s laws * Congress can pass a new law or change a law ruled unconstitutional

9 We will QUIETLY, be going to the MAC Lab If we are not quiet, we will turn around and come back to the room like a 2 nd grade class. You are going to be researching the current justices of the Supreme Court. Let’s look over the hand out!

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