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All About Verbs Grammar Unit

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Presentation on theme: "All About Verbs Grammar Unit"— Presentation transcript:

1 All About Verbs Grammar Unit

2 The Principal Parts of a Verb
A verb is a word that shows action or state of being. An action verb expresses mental or physical activity. Ex. think, speak A linking verb is a verb that joins the a subject of a sentence with a word or phrase that renames or describes the subject. Ex. as, be, seem

3 Verb Links List of regular verbs List of irregular verbs - part 1
All About Verbs

4 Regular versus Irregular

5 Verb Tense

6 Tense A tense is a verb form that shows the time of an action or condition. Present Tense: Expressed an action as it happens, or that happens regularly, or is generally true. Present Perfect: Shows than an action was completed at an indefinite time(s) in the past, or started in the past but continues in the present. Past Tense: Expresses an action that occurred in the past. Past Perfect: Shows that an action preceded another action in the past. Future Tense: Expresses an action that will occur in the future. Future Perfect: Shows that an action in the future will precede another future action.

7 Using Verb Tense Underlined Verb Verb Tense __________________________

8 Correcting Verb Tense _______________________________

9 Using Principal Parts of Regular and Irregular Verbs
Molly is _______________ for a dish to replace a broken piece. (___) At garage sales, people ________________ out incomplete sets of dishes. (___) At the garage sale, the owners were ___________________ dishes on a table. (___) The sellers ___________________ they would sell a dish to Molly for $15. (___)

10 Using Principal Parts of Regular and Irregular Verbs
Last week I ___________________ my finger, and it hasn’t healed yet. (___) Our pitcher has just ___________________ the ball to third base. (___) When I ___________________ you that book, I expected you to return it. (___) Who ___________________ all those dogs to the park? (___) My brother-in-law is ___________________ an excellent salary. (___)

11 Using Principal Parts of Regular and Irregular Verbs
When the dishwasher __________________, we washed the dishes by hand. (___) Their dog had ___________________ a baseball from a nearby yard. (___) Have you ___________________ this new cordless phone? (___) The gossips reported everything that Miranda ___________________ to George. (___) According tot eh witnesses, nobody had _________________ into the room for over an hour. (___)

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