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Sean Tovin 11/1/13.  An word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence.  There are three main types -Linking -Helping -Action.

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Presentation on theme: "Sean Tovin 11/1/13.  An word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence.  There are three main types -Linking -Helping -Action."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sean Tovin 11/1/13

2  An word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence.  There are three main types -Linking -Helping -Action

3  The tenses describe the time when the verb happens. There are three:  Future  Present  Past

4  Means happening right now.  The basic verb form is used when the verb tells about more than one person, place, or thing.  EX: The horses run in place.

5  Consists of past participle (3 rd principal part) with “has” or “have”.  Designates action which began in the past but continues into the present or the effect of which it still continues.  EX: Betty has taught for ten years. (present perfect)  The implication is that she is still teaching.

6  The purpose is to express an activity, action, state, or being in the past.  EX: We visited the mall yesterday.  The basic form of the verb changes to make it past tense.

7  Sometimes, adding “ed” to the end of a verb will change its tense.  When the verb ends in a silent “e”, drop the “e” and add “ed” to make it past.  When the verb ends with a consonant plus “y”, change “y” to “I” then add “ed”.

8  “Future” means something is going to happen.  The action hasn’t happened yet.  Use “will” when talking in future tense.  EX:  Tim will play soccer in college.  EX:  The bird will hatch tomorrow.


10  What is a verb?  A word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence.

11  What are the three main types of verbs?  Linking, helping, and action.

12  What are the three verb tenses?  Past, present, and future.

13  What does a present verb mean?  That something is occurring right now.

14  What does past tense indicate in time?  That something already occurred.

15  Adding an “___” will make the verb past:  ed

16  Use the word ____ when talking about future tense:  Will

17  In future tense, has the action happened yet?  No

18  The _____ _____verb designates actions that started in the past but continues into the present.  Present perfect

19  Betty has taught for ten years. What is the implication of the sentence?  That Betty is still teaching.

20  "New York State Elementary Test Prep: ELA 4 (Grade 3) Present Tense Verbs." New York State Elementary Test Prep: ELA 4 (Grade 3) Present Tense Verbs. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2013..Test Prep  "Past Tense Verbs." Past Tense Verbs. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2013..  "Elementary Test Prep: ELA 4 (Grade 3) Past Tense Verbs." Elementary Test Prep: ELA 4 (Grade 3) Past Tense Verbs. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2013..Test Prep  "New York State Elementary Test Prep: ELA 4 (Grade 3) Future Tense Verbs." New York State Elementary Test Prep: ELA 4 (Grade 3) Future Tense Verbs. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2013..Test PrepState

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