The French Revolution Background – What was France like before the Revolution? Causes of the French Revolution Major events and phases of the Revolution.

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3 The French Revolution Background – What was France like before the Revolution? Causes of the French Revolution Major events and phases of the Revolution Rise and Fall of Napoleon Results of the Revolution

4 Background – France before 1789 Absolutism v. Constitutionalism The Enlightenment The Old Regime

5 Absolutism v. Constitutionalism Absolutism means Constitutionalism means France was generally….

6 The Enlightenment It was an intellectual movement that emphasized individual rights and freedoms Paris was the center of the Enlightenment Montesquieu, Rousseau, Diderot, Voltaire Salons / Geoffrin

7 The Old Regime was 3 Estates

8 The Old Regime The First Estate The First Estate was the Church Paid no taxes Owned 10% of land Included Bishops, Cardinals and local Priests Resented by Middle Class

9 The Old Regime The Second Estate 2 nd Estate was the Nobility 2% of People 20% of Land Paid no taxes Had little responsibility


11 The 3 rd Estate 3 rd Estate had three parts Peasants – most of France, poor farmers Sans Culottes – poor in cities Bourgeoisie – new wealthy / middle class

12 The Estates General “Parliament” made up of the 3 estates Each estate had one vote Problem of 2 against 1 No real power


14 Each part of the 3 rd Estate was unhappy Peasants – high taxes + Corvee Sans Culottes – dependent on bread Bourgeoisie – believe themselves to be superior to nobles

15 Causes of the French Revolution The Enlightenment The American Revolution Drought / Food Shortages Weakness of Louis XVI



18 Marie Antoinette

19 Key Events of the Revolution – Early Phase 3 rd Estate becomes the National Assembly Tennis Court Oath Storming of the Bastille Declaration of the Rights of Man The Great Fear March of the Women The 1 st Coalition



22 The Reign of Terror - Radical Phase Rise of the Jacobins Danton and Marat Rise of Robespierre Execution of Louis Execution of Robespierre


24 Other countries attacked France Worry that the Revolution will spread Relatives of Louis and other nobles Fear of unknown

25 “in the weakness of authority… some popular general shall draw the eyes of all men upon himself. Armies will obey him on his personal account…. The person who really commands the army is your master” - British observer in early 1790s


27 Napoleon rose to Prominence Corsica “I was born when my country was dying” Age 16 Lieutenant in the Army Age 26 successfully defends the National Convention from a riot Age 27 leads an army against Austria “Liberates” northern Italy in the process



30 1799 Napoleon seizes power Current gov was the Directory Seen as corrupt Napoleon brings army into legislature chamber, chases politicians out Coup d’etat Other part of legislature votes dictatorial powers to Napoleon Plebiscites 1800,1802,1804


32 Napoleon brings order Stability Slows inflation – balances budget – lowers price of bread Welcome the return of emigres Napoleonic Code Religious stability – Gov appoints bishops, bishops appoint priests –Concordat with the Catholic Church


34 The Napoleonic Wars Napoleon had spread “Revolution” as “Liberator” Exploits Nationalism throughout European Empires Use of Artillery Conquers most of Europe except for England –Trafalgar


36 Napoleon’s Mistakes and Downfall The Continental System Nationalism The Peninsular War Guerrilla Warfare Invasion of Russia Scorched Earth Leipzig Elba 100 Days Waterloo St. Helena

37 Congress of Vienna 5 Great Powers Metternich Create Balance of Power Establish “legitimacy” Limit, but don’t destroy France 1 st time the Great Powers work together

38 Lasting Impacts of French Revolution Spread of revolutionary ideas –Later Revolutions in 1848 Resurgence of Conservative Governments Independence of Latin American Colonies

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