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  Surgery  Hormone Therapy  Radiation  Chemotherapy  Immunotherapy  Targeted therapy Methods of Treatment

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2   Surgery  Hormone Therapy  Radiation  Chemotherapy  Immunotherapy  Targeted therapy Methods of Treatment

3   Cancer – rapidly dividing cells  Treatments  Slow down dividing  Break down cells  Trying to affect how quickly the cells are dividing  Except surgery which just removes the tumor formed Why it works

4  Surgery  Halsted – radical mastectomy and modified radical mastectomy  Believed that adequate removal of tumor would cure cancer  1970’s – Proved less extensive surgery is equally effective for most women with breast cancer  Exploratory cancer to imaging  Less invasive methods to destroy tumors  Cryosurgery/Cryotherapy  Lasers to cut tissue or vaporize cancers  Radiofrequency ablation

5   Mostly for hormonally sensitive tissues and organs  Beats and oophorectomy  Huggins – metastatic prostate cancer  Tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors, LHRH analogs and inhibitors Hormone Therapy

6   X-ray was developed and radiation became a method for treatment  Found daily minor doses improved patient’s chance for a cure  Precision – able to destroy cancer cells without affecting normal cells  Conformational Radiation Therapy (CRT)  Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)  Stereotactic radiosurgury and radiation therapy  Intraoperative radiation therapy  Chemical Modifiers/ Radiosensitizers Radiation

7   Mustard gas and Nitrogen mustard (alkylating agents)  Aminopterin – able to block chemical reaction for DNA replicaiton  Methotrexate – cured metastatic cancer  led to development of chemotherapy  Many cancers can be controlled with chemo  Combination chemotherapy  Liposomal therapy  Used in adjuvant therapy Chemotherapy

8   Biological response modifier therapy  Agents are given to patients to imitate or initiate an immune response  Antigens and modified antibodies  Vaccines to boost the immune response to cancer cells  Sipuleucel-T (Provenge) Immunotherapy

9   Influences the processes that control:  Growth  Division  Spread of cancer cells  The signals that cause cancer cells to die naturally  Growth signal inhibitors  Angiogenesis inhibitors  Apoptosis-inducing drugs Targeted Therapy

10   Three observations launched the field  1713 – Ramazzini and the nuns  1775 – Percival Pott and chimney sweeps  1620 – Venner and tobacco (Via Recta)  This field led to finding causes which allows people to protect against cancer  Molecular biologists can use these to study the interactions between genes and external factors – for treatment methods Epidemiology

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