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Cross-cultural management in Europe

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1 Cross-cultural management in Europe
An International and comparative perspective October 2002 Joop Vinke

2 Comparative Methods Social setting Business systems History
Culture Institutions Business systems Organisation structure Corporate governance Decision making ethos October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

3 Convergence versus Divergence
Similarities Differences DIVERSITY Develop models Learn “best way” Understand ‘transferability” Secure national competitive advantage October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

4 What can be compared? Industrial relations systems Employment system
(employers, unions, legislation) Employment system (labour markets, industrial structure, welfare regime) Vocational education and training Social structure (class, gender, race) Culture October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

5 Theoretical approaches
Industrialism (Kerr et al 1960) Political Economy/ Marxist Cultural Studies (Hofstede/Trompenaar) Societies industrialise to “common form” State-labour-Capital relations Socialisation processes (norms and values) Technology paradigm Ownership and control Institutions (socially transmitted behaviour patterns that are historically formed) Specialisation, coordination, bureaucracy International Division of labour Production paradigm (Taylorism, Fordism etc.) October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

6 CULTURE Symbols: Gestures, words, objects etc. of which only the group members know the meaning Heroes: Public figures, dead or alive, real or fictive, who serve as role models Rituals: Acts that, for outsiders, may seem useless but are socially essential October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

7 Norms and Values Norm: Value: What is right? / What is wrong?
What is good/ bad? What is beautiful/ ugly? What is natural/ artificial? What is normal, not normal? Etc. October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

8 Explicit culture Norms and Values Symbols Heroes Rituals
October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

9 Is culture inborn or learned?
Definitions: “The right way of doing things”” “The collective mental programming of people in an environment “The collective preference of one decision above another one”” “Integrated system of patterns of behaviour which are acquired by all members of a society October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

10 Culture and peace of mind
Culture helps people to: make choices and reduce emotional stress When they are confronted with dilemmas: Our relations with other people Our relationship with time Our relationship with our natural environment October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

11 Relationships with big problems
How equal are the members of the society? Which are most important; obligations to a friend or to the society? Which value prevail; masculine or feminine? Is it allowed to show emotions? What is private matter?, What is public matter? Does status depend on who one is or what one has achieved? What is the importance of the past, the present and/or the future? Is ones destiny controllable or not? Etc. October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

12 Research and models Trompenaars Perlmutter (1969) “MNC practice”
Hofstede (1980) “Cultures consequences” Kluckhohn and Stodtbeck Traxtler (1995) Marginson and Sisson (1996) Hoeklin, Hall Nagelkerke (1995) Trompenaars October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

13 Is it possible to define “national culture”?
October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

14 Using models to define “national culture”
Hofstede (1980) PDI-power distance the extent to which a culture accepts that power in organizations is distributed unequally MAS-Masculinity the value attributed to achievement, assertiveness, and material success as opposed to the stereotypical feminine values of relationships, modesty, caring and the quality of life. IDV-Individualism the extent to which people are supposed to take care of themselves and be emotionally independent UAI- Uncertainty avoidance the degree to which members of a society are uncomfortable with risk and uncertainty CDI -Confucian dynamism The extend to which a society exhibits a pragmatic future-oriented perspective rather then a conventional historic or short time point of view October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

15 The seven dimensions of culture
Trompenaar universalism vs. particularism individualism vs. collectivism neutral vs. affective relationships specific vs. diffuse relationships achievement vs. ascription Sequential vs synchronic culture Internal vs External control October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

16 Universalism vs. particularism
What is more important - rules or relationships? Universalist: “What is good and right can be defined and always applies!“ Particularist: Great attention to the obligations of relationships and unique circumstances October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

17 Individualism vs. collectivism
Do we function in a group or as an individual? “It is more important to focus on individuals so that they can contribute to the collective as and if they wish” “It is more important to consider the collective first since that is shared by many individuals” October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

18 Neutral vs. affective (emotional) relationships
“The nature of our interactions should be objective and detached” North American and North European business relationships “The expressing the emotions is part of the relationship and therefore acceptable” South American and European business relationships October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

19 Specific vs. diffuse relationships
When the whole person is involved in a business relationship there is a real and personal contact, instead of the specific relationship prescribed by contract. October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

20 Achievement vs. ascription
Do we have to prove ourselves to receive status or is it given to us? Achievement: One will be judged on what you have Recently accomplishes and on your record Ascription: The status is attributed to you, by birth, childhood, gender or age, but also by your connections and your educational record. October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

21 Sequential vs. synchronic culture
Is time a line ? Or is it a circle? October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

22 Past, present and future
How would You draw it?? October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

23 Internal vs. External control
Do we control our environment or work with it ? Major focus affecting their lives and the origins of vice and virtue as residing within the person (part of the nature) World is more powerful than individuals. Nature is to be feared or emulated. October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

24 Be effective in doing business and managing with different culture
Global Literacy Be effective in doing business and managing with different culture This applies equally to: those working where there is diversity in the work force those travelling and working in different cultures those receiving business visitors from other cultures October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

25 Don’t………..! Change your behaviours to try to emulate the culture(s) you are working with. or Simply 'Do in Rome as Romans do... etc. October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

26 Try …………Reconciliation
In dealing with different cultures, you have several options: • Ignoring other culture • Abandon your standpoint • Compromise or………… Reconciliation: October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

27 Central guidelines with local adaptations and discretion
Universalism …We do not want to drown in chaos or lose our sense of central directions so we must… …Apply rules and procedures universally to ensure equity and consistency although…… ..Encourage flexibility by adapting to particular situations. However...... …We do not want to degenerate into rigidity and bureaucracy so we must……… Particularism Central guidelines with local adaptations and discretion October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

28 MAS VERSUS UAI October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

29 PDI VERSUS UAI October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

30 A model for the Diversity of European regimes
Rheinic Germany, Austria, Netherlands,Scandinavia, France Anglo-Saxon UK, Ireland Latin Rim Greece, Spain Southern Italy, Portugal October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

31 Social partnership in various forms
The “Rheinic Model” Social partnership in various forms Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Scandinavia, France Juridified industrial relations Work councils Emphasis on social cohesion and social market Welfare as “first resort” Corporatist tradition October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

32 The “Anglo-Saxon model”
Free market UK, Ireland Voluntarist, adversarial industrial relations Welfare as “last resort” October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

33 Greece, Spain Southern Italy, Portugal
The “Latin Rim model” Greece, Spain Southern Italy, Portugal Conflictual, antagonistic industrial relations Mixed labour market Rudimentary welfare (church, family support) October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

34 More information?? Try :
“Culture's Consequences : Comparing Values, Behaviours, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations”n “Cultures and Organizations” By Geert Hofstede “Riding The Waves of Culture: Understanding Diversity in Global Business” “The Seven Cultures of Capitalism” “21 Leaders for The 21st Century” “Building Cross-Cultural Competence: How to Create Wealth from Conflicting Values “ By Fons Trompenaars Try : October IBS Arnhem Joop Vinke

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