Human Impact on Planet Earth Earth will survive, but will humans? Secret to Sea Levels Rising.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Impact on Planet Earth Earth will survive, but will humans? Secret to Sea Levels Rising."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Impact on Planet Earth Earth will survive, but will humans? Secret to Sea Levels Rising

2 Carbon Footprint The amount of greenhouse gases that you release into the atmosphere in a year. – Measured in units (pounds or tons) of carbon dioxide Can either be primary or secondary Primary: directly caused by you. – Driving a car Secondary: indirectly caused by you – Buying food not grown locally. Carbon footprint Calculate your Carbon footprint

3 Greenhouse Gases Greenhouse gases greatly affect the temperature of the Earth; without them, Earth's surface would average about 60 degrees colder. Since 1750 (regarded as the beginning of the Industrial Revolution) burning fossil fuels has lead to an increase of carbon dioxide by 40%.

4 List of Greenhouse Gases 1.Water Vapor- -most powerful 2.Carbon dioxide- -burning fossil fuels 3.Methane- – produced by decay of organic material in landfills, – enteric fermentation in the digestive tracts of hooved animals such as cattle, goats, and sheep (feces) 4.Nitrous Oxide- -produced by fertilizer use. Nitrous oxide is produced naturally in the soil during the microbial processes. Fertilizers speed up this process.

5 Great Pacific Garbage Patch World largest rubbish (garbage) dump. – 100 million tons of trash – Twice the size of the United States


7 Don’t Litter. Here’s why… Midway Island is an Island in the Pacific that’s been hit by the Garbage Patch. Midway Pollution Disaster plasticized 33 photos of pollution in China

8 What can you do? Your project is to make a powerpoint presentation with a partner describing how you can do your part to cut down on your carbon footprint. ‘ More directions to follow…

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