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How to Login into SSA ?. Home Page Click on My Profile.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Login into SSA ?. Home Page Click on My Profile."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Login into SSA ?

2 Home Page Click on My Profile

3 How to login into SSA Portal Example : Login ID : gr85032 Password : ******* Domain : mahindrasatyam

4 Steps to register your profile on SSA: Password Reset Module: Steps to register your profile on SSA: once you are authenticated you will be taken to profile creation page. Below is the screenshot of the profile creation page.

5 Profile creation has three steps: Step 1 (Mandatory questions): This step has two predefined questions. Step 2 (Mandatory): User can select from the list of questions. Step 3 (Mandatory): User can set there own set of questions. Note: Answers are not case sensitive. Reset Password Procedure: To reset your LAN password please follow the below procedure 1. Click on Reset Password link This will take you to page where you have to enter your LAN id and enter the code shown in the image and click search. Screenshot of the same is as shown below. 2. Verify your Answers If you are a registered user, you need to answer the questions which have been defined by you at the time of registration.

6 After successfully verifying answers to the question you will be taken to page where in you need to type your new password and confirm the same and hit reset button. The screenshot of the same is as below. Note: To better protect your account, make sure that your password is memorable for you but difficult for others to guess. Do not share your password with anyone, and never use the same password that you've used in the past. For security purposes, your new password must be a minimum of eight characters long. A strong password contains a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters (remember that your password is case sensitive), numbers, and special characters which are configurable are @#$%^&+=

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