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How to Write a Bibliography By Elizabeth Stucker.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Write a Bibliography By Elizabeth Stucker."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Write a Bibliography By Elizabeth Stucker

2 What is a Bibliography? 4 A bibliography is a list of resources used in research. 4 A Latin word meaning a list of books 4 Biblio = Books Graphy = List Bibliography = List of books

3 When Do You Have to Write a Bibliography? 4 All Research Reports 4 Anytime you use someone else’s ideas in a report or project

4 Why Do We Have to Write A Bibliography? 4 Ideas come from many sources such as books, websites, magazines, etc. 4 You must give credit to your sources for their ideas 4 If you claim another person’s ideas as your own, it is called plagerism

5 Book Citations 4 You need: 4 Author. Title of Book (underlined or in italics). City of publication: Publisher, date of publication. 4 Example: 4 Cole, Joanna. Magic School Bus Plants Seeds. New York: Scholastic, 1995.

6 Book Citations 4 Author________________________Last name, first name 4 Title___________________________________________ 4 City where book was published______________________ 4 Publisher_______________________________________ 4 Copyright Year__________________________________ 4 Author (last name first). Title of the book. City: Publisher, Copyright year. 4 EXAMPLE: Dahl, Roald. The BFG. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1982.

7 1. grade, we are introducing the students to the idea that they 2. You must give credit to the books, websites, etc. where they you get your information. 3. For each activity, #6-9, you will need to fill out and turn in a bibliography worksheet showing the books, websites, etc. where you got their information. 4. Activities cannot be turned in without the accompanying bibliography worksheet.

8 World Wide Web Citations 4 You need: 4 Author. (if known) WWW page title (underlined or in italics).[Online] Available, (enclosed in brackets) date of visit in parentheses. 4 Example: 4 Lee, Brian. About the Middle Ages. [Online] Available, June 29, 1998.

9 A Sample Bibliography 4 Aroldi, Susan. Fifth and Sixth Grade Bibliography. [Online] Available, July 31, 1998. 4 Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 4th Ed. New York : MLA, 1995. 4 Marchant, Billy. Alien Cartoons. Marchant Productions, 1998.

10 Brain Pop 4 Please click on “Brain Pop” to view a video and work on some activities pertaining to writing a bibliography. 4 If you require additional help, please see your classroom teacher, Ms. Godfrey, or Ms. Stucker.

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