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Slide 5.1. Topics & Learning Goals Review definition & Axioms How to select right channels Introduce 4 different models for building multichannel online-offline.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 5.1. Topics & Learning Goals Review definition & Axioms How to select right channels Introduce 4 different models for building multichannel online-offline."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 5.1

2 Topics & Learning Goals Review definition & Axioms How to select right channels Introduce 4 different models for building multichannel online-offline strategy --------------------------------------------------------------- State how increasing channels effect corporate operations Use various metrics to qualify and pick channels Understand different multichannel conceptual models 2

3 Definition of Online-Offline Multichannel Marketing 3

4 Multichannel Axioms More channels > costs, people resources More channels > content needs / retargeting More channels > data analysis complexity (more tools) More channels > chance conflicting messaging More channels > cross department organizational challenges More channels does always mean more profits 4

5 Examples of Online Digital Marketspace On the course webpage there is an Excel file (List of Digital Multichannels) which provides a list of 60 possible types of digital channels 5

6 Typical Consumer Cross Channel Usage 2012 Source: Tealeaf Survey 2012 -

7 Typical B2B European Cross Channel Usage 2013 7

8 How to pick the right channels? Review performance of channels currently used Score other potential channels for market fit and potential returns (see next slides) Select new mix of channels for managing Iterate Channel offerings - Experiment with inexpensive A/B testing 8

9 How to Pick Channels - Segmentation 1.Traditional 2.Online paid display and paid per click 3.Event marketing channels 4.Influencer channels 5.Social Networking Channels * See Appendix of the posted report for many specific examples 9

10 How to Pick Channels – Channel Priorization & Metrics Identifying Marketing Channel Prioritization Factors and Relevant Metrics The first step of marketing channel prioritization is to define the factors that will have the biggest influence on ranking the channels. Assuming you are comparing marketing channels of the same type, you can classify those factors into four key categories: Content relevance: The fit of a given marketing channel relative to the content delivered to a particular audience and its interests. Reach: The total number of potential prospects (or their influencers) that your business could impact, educate, or interact with through a given channel. Cost: The tally of capital and human resources, and the time necessary to effectively utilize a particular channel. Some costs might be fixed (e.g., hiring new team members to acquire a specific channel skill set, and purchasing equipment), while others could vary with channel usage (e.g., cost per e-mail or click). Effectiveness: The rate of return — measured by such factors as increased awareness and number of qualified leads— on each investment in a specific channel. 10

11 How to Disqualify Channels Too technical: Software developer Q&A sites might possess content and keywords that meet your channel theme criteria, but they are often too technically focused to be a viable marketing channel. Too local: If a website is hyper-local (for example, small-town newspapers or directories), it probably won’t reach the audience you need to target. Operated by a competitor: A competitor’s product website or an offshoot site controlled by a direct competitor should be crossed off your list immediately. Even if it has great content and speaks to your target audience, that competitor is not going to allow you to use its website as a marketing channel. Not really a marketing channel Is the website’s purpose mainly to sell paid advertising? Does the website focus mostly on selling a specific product? Is the website a link or content farm? 11

12 Conceptual Maps of Multichannels Strategies 1. Buyer Life Cycle vs Elements of Corp Strategy 12 Source:

13 2. Buying Stage versus Channel 13

14 3. Buying Funnel Models 14

15 4. Touch point experince models 15

16 End of Video - Thank you Please take the online quiz associated with this video Join the online discussion about this week’s topics concerning online customer journeys and multi-channel marketing integration.

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