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Russell Research Institute & Rosalind Franklin CMS “Research is a vital component of training tomorrow’s healthcare providers and delivering excellent.

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Presentation on theme: "Russell Research Institute & Rosalind Franklin CMS “Research is a vital component of training tomorrow’s healthcare providers and delivering excellent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Russell Research Institute & Rosalind Franklin CMS “Research is a vital component of training tomorrow’s healthcare providers and delivering excellent services today.” 2015 Russell Research Summer Internship

2 2015 Summer Internship Overview  Eight-week  Full time (320 hours)  Paid*  Non-credit  Start date: Monday, June 8 th, 2015  End date: Friday, July 31 st, 2015

3 Internship Overview CONT’D.  Please keep in mind the Summer Internship start date is a set date and there is unfortunately no flexibility with starting at a later (or earlier) time  Please indicate in your application any known week days you may miss (if any) between June 8 th and July 31 st so this can be communicated to the mentor

4  Please note the goal of the internship is to provide you solely with research experience and will not involve any patient exposure/interaction  Your involvement with the mentor will include tasks only related to research and research-specific processes ( e.g., literature appraisal and dissemination, protocol development, IRB determination and application, data abstraction and management, abstract and poster development, manuscript development, and more ) Internship Overview CONT’D.

5  Family Medicine  Internal Medicine  Maternal Fetal Medicine  Oncology  Surgery  Radiology Available areas of research  Cardiology  Gastroenterology  Obstetrics and Gynecology  Emergency Medicine  Orthopedics

6 Available areas of research CONT’D.  Please note you can be matched exclusively to one area OR to more than one area depending on mentor availability and nature of research study  E.g., 0.5 ortho / 0.5 onco, OR 0.5 Russell Institute support / 0.5 obgyne  NOTE: you cannot choose both areas although we will try our best to match you to at least one of your preferred areas of interest

7  If you are selected for the internship, you will be contacted prior to being matched to a mentor/area(s) to confirm the match is in line with your interest and internship objectives  We will try our best to match you to your area of interest, however we cannot always control for mentor/study availability  You flexibility with this is greatly appreciated! Available areas of research CONT’D.

8 Internship Logistics  You will be expected to submit an electronic summary of your weekly progress to Ina Zamfirova every Friday  Together with your mentor, you will establish a schedule and attendance log to keep track of your hours (you can use the CMS time sheet for this) –Either your mentor or Ina Zamfirova can sign off on your time cards

9  Work station location –your mentor may be able to secure a station for you within his/her department, or –you may be provided with a work area at the Russell Research Institute, or –you may spend some of your time at Russell and some with your mentor –This will be determined once you are matched to a mentor Please also be prepared to bring a personal laptop Internship Logistics CONT’D.

10 Internship Logistics: Publications  Please be aware this internship may not, and probably will not, provide you with a manuscript publication at the end of the 8-week period, especially if you are assigned to a brand new study that has not yet been started  The process of starting and conducting a study, especially if IRB approval is required, and depending on complexity of study, could take up to one year, in many cases more –a publication will require long-term investment (and patience!) on your end, keeping in mind this is a vigorous clinical setting where patient care comes first for your mentor

11  Many of you may be provided the opportunity to work on case reports which will result in publication (again, timeframe cannot be guaranteed) or may be asked to assist with poster development and/or presentation  Your mentor may invite you to attend and help present the study at a conference, but again, this will most likely be taking place once the internship has concluded –we have mentors from last year’s internship who are just now (in 2015) reaching out to 2014 interns to attend conferences and present their work on the study  We are making the mentors aware of the importance of recognition so we anticipate that even if at a later time, you will be appropriately acknowledged for your work Internship Logistics: Publications CONT’D.

12 Internship Grand Rounds  There will be ‘Grand Rounds’ held every Friday between 12 – 1 PM at the Russell Research Institute over lunch ( please plan to bring a lunch unless otherwise indicated )  During this time, we will discuss your studies, experiences, and address any issues/concerns or questions you may have  Attendance to Grand Rounds is mandatory

13 Grand Rounds CONT’D.  The last two Fridays of Grand Rounds, 7/24 & 7/31, each intern will give a 5-10 minute power point presentation on his/her research study  If available, your mentor will be invited to attend  In addition to intern presentations, there will be a series of presentations organized by Russell to take place on preceding Fridays

14 Application Process  Please complete the online application –Application link: [ please see website or the 2015 Research Intern Flyer for active link ] –You will not receive a confirmation of whether your application was submitted successfully. You should have received a Thank You note upon submission which indicates the success of the submission.  As part of the application, prepare to submit: 1)Resume/CV 2)Letter of Intent 3)Recommendation Letter*  recommendation letters can be submitted at a later time – not submitting the rec letter with your application will not impact your chances of being considered for the internship  recommendation letters can be emailed directly to

15 Application Process CONT’D.  Once received, your application will be reviewed and a select number of applicants will be invited for an in-person or phone interview  Please note the interview will take place: –on a weekday, Monday – Friday, –and during regular business hours 8 AM – 5 PM

16 QUESTIONS? Please contact: Ina Zamfirova Email: Phone: 847.723.2252

17 Thank you! Looking forward to working with you

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