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The Evolution of a Superhero Proposed Changes for IN-SHARE Steven J. Schmidt Indiana State Library DISCOVERY TO DELIVERY VI.

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Presentation on theme: "The Evolution of a Superhero Proposed Changes for IN-SHARE Steven J. Schmidt Indiana State Library DISCOVERY TO DELIVERY VI."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Evolution of a Superhero Proposed Changes for IN-SHARE Steven J. Schmidt Indiana State Library DISCOVERY TO DELIVERY VI

2 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero



5 IN-SHARE D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero


7 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero Request sent ¶ ILL: 3442340 Borrower: ISL ReqDate: 850126 Status: Pending OCLC: 2407606 NeedBefore: 830225 RecDate: Renewal: Lender: *IBS, IMD, IUP, IUL, IWA DueDate: NewDueDate:  1 CALLNO: ¶  2 AUTHOR: Gotham, Peter ¶  3 TITLE: A Good Book for Reading / ¶  4 EDITION: ¶  5 IMPRINT: Muncie, IN : Books, Inc, 1976. ¶  6 ARTICLE: ¶  7 VOL: NO: DATE: PAGES: ¶  8 VERIFIED: OCLC ¶  9 PATRON: Dill, Emily B5B-3127 ¶  10 SHIP TO: 208 West Columbia Street, West Lafayette, IN 47906 ¶  11 BILL TO: Same ¶  12 SHIP VIA: Library Rate ¶

8 Kilmer 1995 Bale 2005 Clooney 1997 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero Keaton 1989

9 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero

10 350 day D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero 1983 2014 35 day

11 In 2014, IN-SHARE processed 70,239 requests at a cost of $1,116,308.91 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero The Cost of an IN-SHARE Request Cost of $17.88 each

12 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero The IN-SHARE Process Patron Wants Item Home Library Requests ISL Places Request Owning Library Fills ISL Updates record Home Library Receives ISL Updates record Patron Uses & Returns Home Library Returns ISL Updates record Owning Library Receives ISL Updates record

13 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero The S.R.C.S Process Patron Wants Item Owning Library Fills Home Library Receives Patron Uses & Returns Item Home Library Returns Owning Library Receives

14 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero

15 IN-SHARE 2.0 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero 2.0 PROPOSED

16 ILL and Resource Sharing are services of libraries. All libraries are encouraged to develop a plan to become self- sufficient for resource sharing. D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero PROPOSEDPROPOSED Proposed Indiana SHARE Guidelines

17 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero PROPOSEDPROPOSED Libraries participating in Indiana SHARE agree that they will NOT charge the users for the cost of the service or for the courier. Proposed Indiana SHARE Guidelines

18 New Service will be limited to Indiana- based: Class B & C Public Libraries K-12 school libraries Non-profit special libraries D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero PROPOSEDPROPOSED Service is limited to one location per institution Proposed Indiana SHARE Guidelines

19 Members must subscribe to at least one- day a week service to INfo Express D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero PROPOSEDPROPOSED Members may not be using any other automated ILL system (e.g. Docline, OCLC ILL) or using OCLC for cataloging Proposed Indiana SHARE Guidelines

20 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero Indiana Share Service will be offered to members meeting these requirements at No Charge for a Maximum of two (2) years. PROPOSEDPROPOSED Proposed Indiana SHARE Guidelines

21 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero Each library type will be given a threshold for the number of request they can submit at no charge. PROPOSEDPROPOSED * Rate will be reviewed every two (2) years. Proposed Indiana SHARE Guidelines The cost of each Indiana SHARE request submitted in excess of the threshold will be $5 *.

22 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero Academic Libraries: Current members will be given two (2) years to prepare a migration plan. Starting July 1, 201x. Cost sharing fees will go into effect starting July 1, 201x(+2). All requests will be billed at the rate of $5 * for each request submitted. PROPOSEDPROPOSED * Rate will be reviewed every two (2) years. Proposed Indiana SHARE Guidelines

23 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero School Libraries (K-12): Can place up to 250 requests annually without a charge. Excess requests will be billed at the rate of $5 * for each request submitted. Cost sharing fees will go into effect starting July 1, 201x(+2). PROPOSEDPROPOSED * Rate will be reviewed every two (2) years. Proposed Indiana SHARE Guidelines

24 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero Class A Public Libraries: Current members will be given two (2) years to prepare a migration plan. Starting July 1, 201x. Cost sharing fees will go into effect starting July 1, 201x(+2). All requests will be billed at the rate of $5 * for each request submitted. PROPOSEDPROPOSED * Rate will be reviewed every two (2) years. Proposed Indiana SHARE Guidelines

25 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero Class B Public Libraries: Can place up to 250 requests annually without a charge. Excess requests will be billed at the rate of $5 * for each request submitted Cost sharing fees will go into effect starting July 1, 201x(+2). PROPOSEDPROPOSED * Rate will be reviewed every two (2) years. Proposed Indiana SHARE Guidelines

26 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero Class C Public Libraries: Can place up to 250 requests annually without a charge. Excess requests will be billed at the rate of $5 * for each request submitted Cost sharing fees will go into effect starting July 1, 201x(+2). PROPOSEDPROPOSED * Rate will be reviewed every two (2) years. Proposed Indiana SHARE Guidelines

27 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero Out of Standards Public Libraries: All requests will be billed at the rate of $5 * for each request submitted Cost sharing fees will go into effect starting at the start of the year they are found out of standards (July 1). PROPOSEDPROPOSED * Rate will be reviewed every two (2) years. Proposed Indiana SHARE Guidelines

28 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero Corporate / For-Profit Libraries: PROPOSEDPROPOSED Current members will be given two (2) years to prepare a migration plan. Starting July 1, 201x. Cost sharing fees will go into effect starting July 1, 201x(+2). All requests will be billed at the rate of $5 * for each request submitted. * Rate will be reviewed every two (2) years. Proposed Indiana SHARE Guidelines

29 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero Institutional / Governmental Libraries: Can place up to 250 requests annually without a charge. Excess requests will be billed at the rate of $5 * for each request submitted. Cost sharing fees will go into effect starting July 1, 201x(+2). PROPOSEDPROPOSED * Rate will be reviewed every two (2) years.

30 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero Proposed IN-SHARE 2.0

31 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero ISL Resource Sharing Committee  Tina Baich, IUPUI University Library  Chris Bishop, Community Health Network  Michelle Bradley, MCLS  Kelly Ehinger, Adams Public Library System  Wendy Knapp, Indiana State Library  Collette Mak, University of Notre Dame  Carol Nahrwold, Allen County Public Library  Terri Nicholson, South Dearborn High School  Robert Roethemeyer, Concordia Theological Seminary Library  Nick Schenkel, West Lafayette Public Library  Steven Schmidt, Indiana State Library  Matthew Shaw, University of Indianapolis  Amy Winks, Purdue University  Cheryl Wright, Indianapolis Public Library

32 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero Steven J. Schmidt, Supervisor Library Development Office Indiana State Library 315 West Ohio Street, ISL 413 Indianapolis, IN 46202 317.232.3715

33 D2D-VI IN-SHARE The Evolution of a Superhero

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