Running Record Analysis Michelle Allan 9/9/14. Running Records provide an assessment of text reading. What…… They are designed to be taken as a child.

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Presentation on theme: "Running Record Analysis Michelle Allan 9/9/14. Running Records provide an assessment of text reading. What…… They are designed to be taken as a child."— Presentation transcript:

1 Running Record Analysis Michelle Allan 9/9/14

2 Running Records provide an assessment of text reading. What…… They are designed to be taken as a child reads orally from any text.

3 Records are taken to assess text difficulty Get a level Instructional Records are taken to capture progress Plot a path Records are taken to guide teaching Strategies Letter knowledge Behaviours Why……

4 Coding Use a blank sheet Use the conventions The Components……

5 Scoring Count the errors Count the self-corrections Calculate the accuracy rates The Components……

6 Analysis Video 1 – Video 2 - The Components……

7 Example: Text: I like to see horses at the farm. Child: I like to see ponies at the farm Analysis: There were pictures of horses and colts on the page. The intended message is almost the same. The substitution is not visually similar, but is an acceptable language structure. There is often an overlap of meaning and structural cues. Meaning…… MSV

8 Example: Text: I like to see horses at the farm. Child: I like to fly horses at the farm. Analysis: “I like to fly…” This is a good English language construction. Analysis for use of structure cues should only take into account the text up to and including the error. Structure cues were used. It is not visually similar and does not fit the meaning of the total text. Meaning and visual cues were not used. Structure…… MSV

9 Examples: h/n/r, b/d/p, saw/was, but/put Visual…… MSV

10 Example: Text: I like to see horses at the farm. Child: I like to see horses at the fair/farm. Analysis: Analyze the cue(s) that most likely contributed to the original error. The words are visually similar and the structure is intact. The child used structure and visual cues. Analyze the cue(s) that most likely led to the self-correction. The child probably realized that the book was about a farm, not a fair, and used meaning as a cue to self-correct. Self-Corrections…… Error S/C MSV

11 Does the child finger, voice or head point? Is there evidence of fluent and phrased reading? What are the child’s eyes, hands doing? Is there evidence of re-reading to maintain the meaning of the story? Is there a lot of, or a few self–corrections? Is there a lot of appeals? Other Behaviours……

12  The value of this activity is to look for patterns in the child's responses  What you are really looking for is an indication of the kinds of strategies the child is using.  Students may have a pattern to the way they read Why……

13 “Making meaning rather than speeding through text, is the ultimate goal of reading.” C.P. Hicks (2009) Fluency……

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