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Support what your paper is about, and not write the paper for you. Create ethos to the paper.

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Presentation on theme: "Support what your paper is about, and not write the paper for you. Create ethos to the paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Support what your paper is about, and not write the paper for you. Create ethos to the paper.

2  Use for long quotes, often a quote more than 4 sentences.  Need to be:  Have no quotation marks around quote.  Quoted text would still have double quotes.  Page Number appears after the last sentence.  Whole quote need to be indented and single-spaced.

3 …Anglo-Saxon’s wedding customs require The groom, with the help of his warrior friends (his best men), would steal into another tribe’s camp and kidnap the woman of his choice. His friends covered his back and fought off the other men, he would hold her with his left hand because his right hand was his sword hand. This is believed to be the root of the custom of the bride standing on the room’s left in the wedding ceremony. It was also the duty of his friends to hide the couple so her family couldn’t find her. Because honey and the moon were tied to fertility, the couple drank only honey mead and remained in hiding for one full lunar cycle (twenty-eight days), a honey-moon. By the time they were found, the bride was already pregnant. (Thelin 316) Explanations…

4  Page number must be shown after the quotation mark and in front of the period.  Need to introduce the source with according to…  Examples:  According to Gandhi, “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind” (30).  Mark Twain posits, "Always tell the truth; then you don't have to remember anything” (100).

5  Quotes are used to support the major points and not making them.  Quotes need to be introduced and attributed.  Be sure quotes are properly formatted and punctuated.  Cite each sources.  Need to flow with the paper.  Need to be accurate.

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