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Textual Evidence Textual Evidence is another way of saying “evidence from the text.” In other words, you use quotes from the text you’re reading in order.

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Presentation on theme: "Textual Evidence Textual Evidence is another way of saying “evidence from the text.” In other words, you use quotes from the text you’re reading in order."— Presentation transcript:

1 Textual Evidence Textual Evidence is another way of saying “evidence from the text.” In other words, you use quotes from the text you’re reading in order to prove what your response is to it. Remember, quotes doesn’t mean dialogue. You can use any part of the text as quotes in your own writing not just the parts that are already in quotation marks.

2 Textual Evidence We can tell that Homer’s dad does not really care about Homer in paragraph 11. Homer’s father’s first reaction to a violent explosion that could have killed his son is not concern for his son but rather concern about his reputation in town. He father says, “ Elsie, I don’t care about any other boys. Just take care of this one before he embarrasses me all over Coal wood.” We can infer from this example that Homer’s dad cares more about his reputation than Homer. We would claim that this answer uses “textual evidence” because they are EVIDENCE from the TEXT that PROVES my response.

3 Textual Evidence – Prove it
Three-Part Response Format: S.E.E. When you’re asked a question you should always use the three-part response format to answer it.   Source: parenthetical citations means giving credit in parentheses (Paragraph and or Page #).  Evidence: the explanation is providing the evidence from the text to back up your answer using quotes and paraphrasing Evaluate: is where you give the correct answer to the questions     

4 Textual Evidence Properly punctuate it with quotation marks. “ “
Whenever you pull information from a text and write it down somewhere else, do two things to avoid PLAGIARISM: Properly punctuate it with quotation marks. “ “ After the closing quotation mark but BEFORE the end punctuation, you must include its page number in parentheses.

5 Textual Evidence Practice Use “The Explosion” from Expert 21 Workshop One to answer the following questions as practice before you retake the quiz. 1. Review the paragraph that begins, “Mom was a master of delivering creative punishment.” What does Homer do in response to his punishment? What do we learn about Homer because of what he did? Sentence Starter: In paragraph ________, Homer _______________________________ in response to the punishment given by his mother. This tells us _____________________________ about Homer. Explain what Homer’s mother hopes, or wants, for Homer. Provide evidence to support your answer. Sentence Starter: On page _______ in paragraph _______, we see Homer’s mother (hopes or wants) Homer to ___________. We know this because Homer’s mother (says or does) ______________________________________________________.

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