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W HY TAKE F IELD T RIPS ? Christy, Chanda, & Karen.

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Presentation on theme: "W HY TAKE F IELD T RIPS ? Christy, Chanda, & Karen."— Presentation transcript:

1 W HY TAKE F IELD T RIPS ? Christy, Chanda, & Karen

2 T RADITIONAL F IELD T RIP S ELECTION Identify objectives. Select the site to be visited. Contact educational coordinator for the site. Arrange date and time. Plan logistics, details, etc. Conduct a pre-visit.

3 L OGISTICS P LANNING Apply for administrative approval. Reserve bus transportation. Arrange for lunch, if needed. Develop daily schedule. Arrange for special equipment, if needed. Prepare name tags. Collect money for fees and deposit in school account. Compose letter to parents.

4 L OGISTICS P LANNING ( CONTINUED ) Provide alternative arrangements for students not attending the field trip. Inform cafeteria staff if students will be absent from lunch. Notify teachers of student absences. Create a list of all student names and home phone numbers for emergencies.


6 P REPARING S TUDENTS Discuss purpose of the trip. How it relates to current unit of studies. Show students a preview of the field trip. Photographs Website Overview of field trip.

7 P REPARING S TUDENTS ( CONTINUED ) Brainstorm a set of student conduct standards for the trip. Explain the logistics of the trip to students. Lunch plans Spending money Appropriate clothing Gear for rainy weather

8 F IELD T RIP D AY ! Check all permission slips. Be sure all emergency contact information is in your possession. Plan to spend a few minutes briefing chaperones. Schedule Code of Conduct Emergency procedures

9 F IELD T RIP D AY ! ( CONTINUED ) Divide class into smaller groups/pairs and assign them to chaperones. Take along an emergency kit! Take inventory of all food, specific equipment, medications, and other supplies.

10 T AKE A V IRTUAL F IELD T RIP ! No money?

11 A G UIDE TO G REAT N UTRITION d=13622 Think about… Two things you like Two things you dislike

12 T OUR H AWAII ield.trips.html Think about… Two things you like Two things you dislike

13 4-H V IRTUAL F ARM T OUR Think about… Two things you like Two things you dislike


15 P OST F IELD T RIP A CTIVITIES Provide time for students to share general observations of the experience. Create a classroom bulletin board displaying pictures and materials from the field trip. Develop a classroom museum that replicates the field trip.

16 P OST F IELD T RIP A CTIVITIES Link field trip activities to multiple curricular areas. Have students compose and send Thank You letters! Create a news report on the field trip and publicize it. Local newspaper, newsletter, bulletin board, school website Evaluate the trip

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