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Introduction to the Short Story and Novel Class notes.

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1 Introduction to the Short Story and Novel http://shortstoriesandnovelspay http://shortstoriesandnovelspay Class notes

2 Student Activity In your own words fill in the following worksheet:

3 Literary Concepts - Elements of a Story 1. PLOT - the story line; a unified, progressive pattern of action or events in a story 2. SETTING - the time and place of the action in a story 3. TONE - the attitude of the author toward his subject or toward the reader (Think of tone of voice when someone is talking.) 4. MOOD - the feeling or state of mind that predominates in a story creating a certain atmosphere 5. CHARACTER - person portraying himself or another 6. POINT OF VIEW - the position from which the story is told (as seen through whose eyes?) PERSONAL (if told as seen through the eyes of one of the characters in the story) OMNISCIENT (if the author stands outside of the story and knows what each of the characters is doing or thinking at any given moment) 7. CENTRAL CONFLICT - the main struggle of opposing forces around which the plot revolves

4 Internal Conflict Inner conflict occurs when one is confronted with a problem that presents difficult choices involving one's beliefs and values. PERSON vs. SELF (internal struggle) External Conflict External conflict occurs when one faces someone else or some situation that is working against one's own desires or goals. A. PERSON vs. PERSON B. PERSON vs. SOCIETY C. PERSON vs. BEAST D. PERSON vs. THE ELEMENTS (forces of nature) E. PERSON vs. FATE or DESTINY F. PERSON vs. MACHINE 8. PROTAGONIST - the main character (usually the hero of the story) 9. ANTAGONIST - the rival (the bad guy)

5 10. THEME - the main idea or message of the story; its generalized meaning; a statement about life or human nature which the author seeks to prove through specific developments of the story 11. IRONY - events contrary to what is expected 12. FORESHADOW - a hint or clue to future events in the story 13. FLASHBACK - a break in the continuity of a story to introduce an earlier event

6 Applying these concepts Look at the following painting and get creative. Think about the ‘story’ to these pictures and come up with your own interpretation. - What do you think the plot or narrative is? - What about mood? Go through the worksheet and apply the devices to the three following paintings.




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