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Millennium Project India Node (July 2004) Anandhavalli Mahadevan Vice-Chancellor Mother Teresa Women’s University Kodaikanal India.

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Presentation on theme: "Millennium Project India Node (July 2004) Anandhavalli Mahadevan Vice-Chancellor Mother Teresa Women’s University Kodaikanal India."— Presentation transcript:

1 Millennium Project India Node (July 2004) Anandhavalli Mahadevan Vice-Chancellor Mother Teresa Women’s University Kodaikanal India

2 Women’s Futures Education and Women Empowerment Women Development Women Veterinarians in Science and Society Women in 2020 Women Executive Development in Higher Education

3 Education Futures Education and Women Empowerment Changing Scenario Role of Edu. Institutions in Empowering Women Teachers’ Role Higher Edu. for National Development Promotion of Knowledge Based Enterprises in the Institution of Higher Learning

4 Technology Futures Acqua Tech. – Water Treatment & Maintaining of Water Treatment Plants Fashion Technology Astronomy and Astrophysics Women Veterinarians in Science & Society Indigenous Manufacture of Bio-Equipment

5 Environment Futures Environmental Science Bioresources for School Children

6 Herbal Futures Quality Improvement Training Programme on Garlic Discussion with Central Drug Research Institute Department of Ocean Development

7 Entrepreneurship Futures Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps Women Entrepreneurship Marketing Culture for Women Entrepreneurs Enhancing Employability Developing E-Culture

8 Challenges Conscious Evolution Decision Making Challenges in Administration Environment Challenges

9 Futures Through Media (Education Futures, Career Futures, Career trends, History for future, Science) All Press TV Private ChannelsAll India Radio TV National Channel

10 Networking with Organizations Tamil Nadu State Council for Science & Technology Universities Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP) Indian Association of Social Science Institutions Women Development Corporation Central Electro Chemical Research Institute (CECRI) Colleges Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education Indian Institute of Astrophysics Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI)

11 FORMATS Convocation Address Seminar Presentations Brain Storming Session College Day Lecture Invited Talks Creativity Workshops Visioning Exercises Training Programmes Research Projects

12 Future Gender Issues in India and Tamil Nadu Wealth Ranking Herbal Technology University Administration Self Help Group Studies Entrepreneurship


14 Total Population in India and Tamil Nadu (in Millions)

15 Percent Distribution of Estimated Population by Age- Group, Sex and Residence in India (1999)

16 Birth Rate in Tamilnadu and India – Per 1000 Population

17 Death Rate in Tamil Nadu and India – Per 1000 Population

18 Infant Mortality Rate – Per 1000 live births

19 Expectation of life at Birth at Tamil Nadu

20 Expectation of life at Birth at India


22 Inching Forward

23 Child Sex Ratio (0-6 Years) Retrograde Step


25 Growth of Indian Population by Sex – Average Annual Exponential Growth Rate Percent

26 Literacy Rate % in India Leaping Forward

27 Literacy Rate % in Tamil Nadu

28 Gender Gap in Literacy Gender Gap of % of Boys - % of Girls Leaping Forward

29 Enrollment of Students at Primary Level in Tamil Nadu (in %)

30 Enrollment of Students in the Middle Schools in Tamil Nadu (in %)

31 No. of Persons Admitted in High School in Tamil Nadu (in %)

32 No. of Persons Admitted in Higher Secondary School – Tamil Nadu (in %)

33 Drop out Rate % at Primary School Level in Tamil Nadu Inching Forward

34 Drop out Rate % at Middle School Level in Tamil Nadu Inching Forward

35 Gender Gap in Drop out Rate at Primary & Middle School Levels – Tamil Nadu Gender Gap of % of Girls - % of Boys

36 Drop out Rate % at Higher Secondary School Level in Tamil Nadu Inching Forward

37 Drop out Rate % at High School in Tamil Nadu

38 Gender Gap in Drop out Rate at Hr. Sec. School and High School – Tamil Nadu Gender Gap of % of Girls - % of Boys

39 Number of Students Studying Under Graduate Courses in Tamil Nadu in % Leaping Forward

40 Number of Students Studying Post Graduate Courses in Tamil Nadu in %

41 Number of Students Studying M.Phil. in Tamil Nadu (in %)

42 Number of Students Studying Ph.D. in Tamil Nadu (in %)

43 Number of Students in Engineering Colleges and Polytechnics in Tamil Nadu (in %)

44 Retrograde Step

45 Number of AIDS Cases in India

46 Industrial Classification-wise Percentage of Workers in Rural Areas by Sex in India - Males (1999-00)

47 Industrial Classification-wise Percentage of Workers in Rural Areas by Sex in India - Females (1999-00) Looking Forward

48 Inching Forward Women Leadership

49 Women Development Towards Realizing a Colourful Dream


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