PARAGRAPH #1-INTRODUCTION (3-5 sentences)  Grab your reader’s attention  State facts and/or interesting points relevant to your topic  Provide a thesis.

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2 PARAGRAPH #1-INTRODUCTION (3-5 sentences)  Grab your reader’s attention  State facts and/or interesting points relevant to your topic  Provide a thesis statement—This is your last sentence in your introduction & tells your reader what 3 main points you will argue in each body paragraph. These 3 points should be in the same order they will appear in each body paragraph.

3 EXAMPLE OF A THESIS STATEMENT:  Through use of the sound devices insert argument #1, insert argument #2 and insert argument #3, Alfred Noyes adds meaning to his poem “The Highwayman.”

4 PARAGRAPH #2-BODY #1: (8-10 sentences)  Start with an opening sentence, which should introduce argument #1.  Cite 3 text examples which all support your argument #1, and thoroughly explain HOW each text example supports your argument. (ex. “In the text, _________________________. This adds meaning to the poem because _________________ ________________________________________________ _________.”)  End each body paragraph with a closing sentence. Here, you should emphasize why your argument #1 is so important to the overall text. i.e., sell your argument!

5 PARAGRAPH #3-BODY #2: (8-10 sentences)  Repeat the steps for body paragraph #1, except now you are arguing your second point.

6 PARAGRAPH #4-BODY #3: (8-10 sentences)  Repeat the steps for body paragraph #1, except now you are arguing your second point.

7 PARAGRAPH #5-CONCLUSION (ALMOST DONE!!!)  Restate the main ideas/ the most important ideas of your essay.  This is your last chance to add any last minute, interesting points-what do you want your reader to take away?  Restate your thesis (in different words)  “END WITH A BANG!”

8 THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND…  NEVER use the word “I”  Do not repeat yourself. Instead, paraphrase if you’re trying to reemphasize a point.  Do not bore your reader, because they’re the one scoring you!  ALWAYS provide at least 3 text examples, and thoroughly explain HOW the text examples support what you are trying to argue.

9 LET’S BEGIN BY BRAINSTORMING!  Your assignment is to discuss how Alfred Noyes uses sound devices to enhance his poem, “The Highwayman.”  First, choose 3 sound devices that he uses in the poem.  Here are the sound devices to choose from: onomatopoeia, alliteration, repetition, ryhme, rhythm.  After choosing your 3 sound devices, find 3 examples of each in the poem and explain how each example enhances the poem. In other words, how does each example help you, the reader, understand the poem better? Explain thoroughly!

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